
Create navigation paths from one animated node to another animated node

johannesugb opened this issue · 0 comments

In preparation for supporting bounds for animated meshlets (such as those described in Issues #118), a method shall be implemented that generates navigation paths from one origin-node along a given skeleton towards a target-node. (This will be used to transform bounding boxes into the space of a different bone.)

Proceed as follows:

For a given selection of models and mesh indices, when being animated, the ID of the underlying animation-node can be retrieved like follows within a custom callback passed to gvk::animation::animate:

std::vector<uint32_t> boneMatToAniNode;

curEntry.mAnimation.animate(curEntry.mClip, curEntry.mClip.start_time(), [&spaceForBoneMatrices, &inverseBindPoseMatrices, &boneMatToAniNode, &inverseMeshRootMatrices, &intoBoneSpaceMatrices](
	gvk::mesh_bone_info aInfo,
	const glm::mat4& aInverseMeshRootMatrix,
	const glm::mat4& aTransformMatrix,
	const glm::mat4& aInverseBindPoseMatrix,
	const glm::mat4& aLocalTransformMatrix,
	size_t aAnimatedNodeIndex,
	size_t aBoneMeshTargetIndex,
	double aAnimationTimeInTicks) {
		size_t bmi = aInfo.mGlobalBoneIndexOffset + aInfo.mMeshLocalBoneIndex;

		// Store the animation node index this bone matrix is assigned to
		// (This means that this animation node is the last one in the bone hierarchy
		//  which is relevant for modifying the bone's position. Hence, from this
		//  animation_node, it is safe to write the bone matrix.)
		boneMatToAniNode[bmi] = static_cast<uint32_t>(aAnimatedNodeIndex); 

Maaayyybe the part about computing bmi is not the most beautiful one => Please think about it and if a better/better-understandable, but still generic approach can be implemented.

The aAnimatedNodeIndex refers to an index into the vector gvk::animation::mAnimationData, which can be retrieved with gvk::animation::get_animated_nodes.

Each element of that vector is a gvk::animated_node entry, which---among other data---contains the index of its animated parent node animated_node::mAnimatedParentIndex.

The algorithm that creates a path from node n_o to node n_t would proceed as follows:

  • For a given animated node origin n_o, get its node-index, and build the whole animated-parent-chain up to the root node (which has no mAnimatedParentIndex anymore) and store that chain in a collection c_o.
  • For a given animated node target n_t, get its node-index, and build the whole animated-parent-chain up to the root node (which has no mAnimatedParentIndex anymore) and store that chain in a collection c_t.
  • Start at the leaf node of c_o and move up the hierarchy until an index has been reached that can also be found within c_t. This index represents the common parent node of n_o and n_t (or it can also be n_t itself)
  • If such a common parent node could not be found, perform the search the other way round: starting from the leaf node in c_t and move up the hierarchy until an index has been reached that can also be found within c_o. (This handles the cases where n_o is a parent of n_t)
  • Construct the path from n_o to n_t based on the information gathered above by creating a vector that contains all animated node indices along the way. The result vector's first element is the index of n_o, and its last element is the index of n_t.
  • If no path could be found (because the user specified invalid node indices or whatever), throw exceptions with meaningful messages.

Definition of done:

  • The algorithm described above has been implemented and added to class gvk::animation.
  • The implemented functionality is well documented and the Contribution Guidelines have been followed.