- aboudevNLPR
- AwesomeYotta
- aZe518
- bertjiazheng@manycore-research
- BrianPughArlington, VA
- buyukdemirciogluUniversity of Twente, ITC
- cranklerHIT / HITSZ / SUSTech
- dbuckmatterport
- deep-programmer
- Elsa-zhang
- erikajob91
- fleapo
- gangma2610
- guohengkaiByteDance Inc
- jchainTampa, FL
- JedYoda
- JianJI
- Just5D
- krNeko9t
- list17Tsinghua University
- ninglixuThe Ohio State University
- OceanYing
- phillipinseoulKAIST
- QT-ZhuUTokyo
- runnerhdh
- sungbooyoonSeoul National University
- tomas2211@melowntech
- wufan-zhao
- xsertx
- XYZ-qiyhHUST
- yidahuang
- YinqiangZhangThe University of Hong Kong
- Ylannl3DGI
- zhaoruifeng1211
- zhulz
- ziyikeBeijing