
GHDL-YOSYS-PLUGIN error: cannot find "std" library

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Issue 1: Relative Paths in cc-toolchain-linux

When you download and extract cc-toolchain-linux (tested on Linux; untested on Windows but likely the same), you get examples and tools such as yosys, p_r, and openFPGALoader. Running make synth_vhdl for examples like Blinky completes without issues. However, using the paths to yosys (from the extracted folder) in a different directory results in the following error:

warning: ieee library directory '../../bin/yosys/share/ghdl/ieee/v93/' not found
error: cannot find "std" library

This error occurs because the library path is relative, restricting the use of the tools to the cc-toolchain-linux folder. It should be clarified that if users wish to use yosys separately, they need to build it from source and set its path in the Makefile accordingly.

Issue 2: ghdl-yosys-plugin Installation Instructions

Following the GateMate Toolchain Installation Guide for yosys, ghdl, and ghdl-yosys-plugin, it is advisable to use the following commands for make and sudo make install for the ghdl-yosys-plugin to ensure it points to the correct GHDL installation executable. A colleague encountered an issue where sudo make install didn't place the plugin in /usr/local/share/yosys/plugins/, and the commands below resolved it:

git clone
cd ghdl-yosys-plugin
make GHDL=/usr/local/bin/ghdl
sudo make GHDL=/usr/local/bin/ghdl install

Issue 3: Adding -m ghdl to synth_vhdl

After installing yosys, ghdl, and ghdl-yosys-plugin from source and adding them to your Makefile, running the command make synth_vhdl results in the following error:

Error: No such command ghdl(type 'help' for a command overview)

This problem is fixed by adding -m ghdl to the synth_vhdl command as follows:

$(YOSYS) -ql log/synth.log -m ghdl -p 'ghdl --warn-no-binding -C --ieee=synopsys $(VHDL_SRC) -e $(TOP); synth_gatemate -top $(TOP) -nomx8 -vlog net/$(TOP)_synth.v'

The -m ghdl flag ensures that the ghdl-yosys-plugin, which can be seen here, is correctly loaded. Running just yosys in your terminal and then running ghdl will give the same error, but running yosys -m ghdl will recognize the command. For example, running help ghdl in the yosys command terminal after yosys -m ghdl provides the following:

yosys> help ghdl

    ghdl [options] unit [arch]

Elaborate the already analyzed unit design and import it

    ghdl [options] files... -e [unit]

Analyse files, elaborate unit and import it
If unit is not specified, it is automatically found

Full list of options are described in ghdl documentation.

        set the vhdl standard.

        allow UTF-8 in comments.

        allow use of ieee.std_logic_arith.

        parse PSL in comments.

        use hash to encode the top entity name

It should be clarified in the Makefile/Toolchain Installation guide that -m ghdl is required as explained above. Additionally, it is advisable to include a step to test if the ghdl-yosys-plugin is correctly installed by running the command yosys -m ghdl as described for added assurance.
A question, out of curiosity, how did you make it work without the -m ghdl flag in your workspace?


To use make synth_vhdl command in your own workspace you need to:
This installation assumes that everything is install in /usr/local/, if you want to change your yosys installation path for instance you need to use ./configure --prefix=<path/to/yosys/installation/you/want>

Install yosys

git clone
cd yosys
make config-clang
git submodule update --init
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install

Install ghdl

git clone
cd ghdl
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install

Install ghdl-yosys-plugin

git clone
cd ghdl-yosys-plugin
make GHDL=/usr/local/bin/ghdl -j$(nproc)
sudo make GHDL=/usr/local/bin/ghdl install

Check that in your yosys install directory, in this case usr/local/share/yosys/plugins there is
Check yosys, ghdl, ghdl-yosys-plugin installation from terminal using which yosys, which ghdl and yosys -m ghdl commands respectively, all independent from another.

Change the synth_vhdl command

You need to add -m ghdl to the synth_vhdl command like this:

$(YOSYS) -ql log/synth.log -m ghdl -p 'ghdl --warn-no-binding -C --ieee=synopsys $(VHDL_SRC) -e $(TOP); synth_gatemate -top $(TOP) -nomx8 -vlog net/$(TOP)_synth.v'

Closing this issue, because it is been resolved. And the issue can be used as documentation on how to resolve the GHDL GateMate problem.