
Missing dependencies when installing furniture-bench?

ankile opened this issue · 1 comments

ankile commented

After running the installation instructions outlined here, I still found that I had to pip install more things (e.g., hydra-core and omegaconf).

Also, I might be wrong about this, but to be able to run the pretrained BC policy, one needs to explicitly run the script from the root of the repo (which can be a bit convoluted if installing through pip install furniture-bench).

If you could advise me on the above, and whether I've been installing the wrong way, I'd be very thankful!

ankile commented

Also, this might be part of the same issue: when running the BC evaluation script from the documentation:

python -m run run_prefix=one_leg_full_bc_resnet18_low_sim_1000 init_ckpt_path=checkpoints/ckpt/one_leg_full_bc_resnet18_low_sim_1000/ rolf.encoder_type=resnet18 is_train=False gpu=0 env.randomness=low

I get a Missing key(s) in state_dict error:

Missing key(s) in state_dict: "encoder.base.color_image1.layer.0.weight", "encoder.base.color_image1.layer.1.weight", "encoder.base.color_image1.layer.1.bias", "encoder.base.color_image1.layer.1.running_mean", "encoder.base.color_image1.layer.1.running_var", "encoder.base.color_image1.layer.4.0.conv1.weight", "encoder.base.color_image1.layer.4.0.bn1.weight", "encoder.base.color_image1.layer.4.0.bn1.bias", "encoder.base.color_image1.layer.4.0.bn1.running_mean", "encoder.base.color_image1.layer.4.0.bn1.running_var",