Final project for ME 495: Embedded Systems in Robotics, Northwestern University, Fall 2020.
The Covid Commando is a Baxter robot that takes a person's temperature and indicates if the individual has normal or high temperature. The project was showcased by having the robot screen individuals that wish to enter the Center of Robotics and Biosystems at Northwestern, where the Baxter robot resides. The robot accomplishes the following tasks: 1) detects the location of a person's forehead, 2) moves the IR thermometer to in front that location, 3) takes the temperature, 4) displays the temperature and corresponding message on screen, 5) blocks or allows the person to pass, and 6) returns back to the first state.
The state machine is the main controller that launches the program and determines robot actions for its current state.
More info on state machine package.
The vision package handles facial detection, pose esimtation, and temperature reading.
The motion package handles all Baxter robot arm controls.
The thermometer was activated by an Arduino through a wired connection to its switch. The Arduino triggers temperature reading when the Baxter arm lights are turned on.
More info on thermometer interface.
- Create a workspace:
mkdir -p ws/src
- Clone this repo into the
folder. catkin make
in the workspace folder.source devel/setup.bash
in the workspace folder.- Connect to Baxter robot.
roslaunch state_machine state_machine.launch
- State machine package:
- Vision package:
- Motion planning package:
- State machine package:
- Vision package:
- Motion planning package:
├── CMakeLists.txt -> /opt/ros/noetic/share/catkin/cmake/toplevel.cmake
├── hardware_io
│ ├──
│ └── thermometer_controller.ino - Arduino code for thermometer circuit
├── images
│ ├── architecture.png
│ ├── camera_calibration.png
│ ├── circuit_diagram.png
│ └── state_machine_web.png
├── motion
│ ├── CMakeLists.txt
│ ├── config
│ │ └── coordinates.yaml
│ ├── launch
│ │ └── mover.launch - contains everything for moving arm to different poses
│ ├── nodes
│ │ └── mover - provides services for motion planning
│ ├── package.xml
│ ├──
│ └── srv
│ ├── GetPose.srv - acquires current pose data
│ └── GoToPose.srv - plans and executes trajectory to specified pose
├── state_machine
│ ├── CMakeLists.txt
│ ├── doc
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├── index.rst
│ │ ├── modules.rst
│ │ └── state_machine.rst
│ ├── launch
│ │ └── state_machine.launch - main launchfile for control loop that switches between states
│ ├── nodes
│ │ └── state_machine_node - communicates with all other nodes and calls services for different tasks
│ ├── package.xml
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├── src
│ │ └── state_machine
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ └── __pycache__
│ │ ├── displays.cpython-38.pyc
│ │ └── __init__.cpython-38.pyc
│ ├── srv
│ │ └── SetState.srv - service for switching to specified state
│ └── state_images
│ ├── face_found.png
│ ├── move_to_face.png
│ ├── search_for_face.png
│ ├── take_temperature.png
│ ├── temp_high.png
│ ├── temp_normal.png
│ └── temp.png
└── vision
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── config
│ ├── camera_calibration.yaml
│ ├── face_detection.rviz
│ └── thermometer_calibration.yaml
├── launch
│ ├── face_detection.launch - contains face_detection node and realsense camera interface
│ └── temperature_detection.launch - launches nodes for temperature reading
├── nodes
│ ├── face_detection - detects face and sends pose estimate of person's forehead
│ ├── read_digit - detects specific temperature digits
│ └── read_temperature - detects whether temperature is normal or high
├── package.xml
- Final demo.
- Demos of other stages of the project can be found in the Covid Commando YouTube channel.
- Project presentation.
- Build Sphinx documentation for state_machine python package by running
rosdoc_lite .
from the state_machine folder.