
The Python Vehicle Simulator is software that supplements the textbook "Handbook of Marine Craft Hydrodynamics and Motion Control," 2nd Edition, by T. I. Fossen, published in 2021 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python Vehicle Simulator

The Python Vehicle Simulator supplements the Matlab MSS (Marine Systems Simulator) toolbox. It includes models for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), unmanned surface vehicles (USVs), and ships. The vehicle models are based on the MSS vessel models in /MSS/VESSELS/catalog. Each vehicle is modeled as an object in Python, and the vehicle class has methods for guidance, navigation, and control. The main program main.py defines vehicle objects for real-time simulation.

Root folder:
    main.py                 - MAIN PROGRAM (terminal command >>python3 main.py)
    3D_animation.gif        - 3D animation file that can be opened in a web browser by right-clicking the file   
Library files:
    control.py              - feedback control systems
    gnc.py                  - generic GNC functions
    guidance.py             - guidance functions        
    mainLoop.py             - main simulation loop
    plotTimeSeries.py       - plotting and animation functions

Vehicle classes/methods: 
    DSRV.py                 - Deep submergence rescue vehicle (DSRV) controlled by a stern plane, L = 5.0 m
    frigate.py              - Frigate, rudder-controlled ship described by a nonlinear Nomoto model, L = 100.0 m
    otter.py                - Otter unmanned surface vehicle (USV) controlled by two propellers, L = 2.0 m
    ROVzefakkel.py          - ROV Zefakkel, rudder-controlled ship described by a nonlinear Nomoto model, L = 54.0 m
    semisub.py              - Semisubmersible controlled by tunnel thrusters and main propellers, L = 84.5 m
    shipClarke83.py         - Ship, linear maneuvering model specified by L, B and T using the Clarke (1983) formulas
    supply.py               - Offshore supply vessel controlled by tunnel thrusters and main propellers, L = 76.2 m
    tanker.py               - Tanker, rudder-controlled ship model including shallow water effects, L = 304.8 m
    remus100.py             - Cylinder-shaped AUV controlled by a rudder, stern planes and a propeller, L = 1.6 m        

For more information about the mathematical modeling of marine craft and methods for guidance, navigation, and control, please consult:

T. I. Fossen (2021). Handbook of Marine Craft Hydrodynamics and Motion Control. 2nd. Edition, Wiley. https://wiley.fossen.biz


To run the main program main.py the following modules must be installed:

numpy           https://numpy.org/install/
matplotlib      https://matplotlib.org/stable/users/installing.html
pytest          https://docs.pytest.org

The Python packages are automatically installed by using the command

pip install <path>

where <path> is the path of the downloaded PythonVehicleSimulator repository. Example:

  1. Click on the green code tab on GitHub and choose download
  2. This gives you the catalog: PythonVehicleSimulator-master (can be renamed)
  3. python3 -m pip install -e /MY_PATH/PythonVehicleSimulator-master

Note that the -e option is needed to update and change the files. If omitted, you can only run the program.