- AchBakirtzis
- admercs@nervosys
- Alex-MannToronto, Canada
- AlexMontgomerieHeronic Technologies
- amenantaudParis
- cmarquDresden, Germany
- Cra2yPierr0t
- dian-lun-linIntel Labs
- fatihgulakarIstanbul
- gzz2000Peking University
- henrylao
- jeanthomFrance
- JimKnowler
- jintaos2Earth
- k0nze@ekut-es
- KEKE046China, Beijing
- limbo018Peking University
- liumengbjutBJUT
- LucaF-dev
- magic3007Peking University @PKU-IDEA
- maltanar@AMD Research Labs
- MartoniArmadeus Systems
- MoZeWeiUniversity of Pittsburgh
- n-nezTokyo, Japan
- omasanoriJapan, or anywhere else
- rajarshiroy
- smgl9
- taichi-ishitani@pezy-computing
- themperek@dectris
- thesukantadey
- tirumalnaiduUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
- tsung-wei-huangDepartment of ECE, University of Wisconsin at Madison
- victoryang00Baskin Engineering
- whyrv
- yanghaoMunich, Germany
- zhangzhiruCornell University