- anbj
- asmith26
- CarlosGrohmannInstitute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences - Universidade de São Paulo
- caruedaMBARI
- cdsferreiraMARUM @ University of Bremen
- chibigold
- chinasiosio
- coral26CCOM, UNH
- CrustyAuklet@wildlifecomputers
- dehannNavAbility(TM) by
- giumas
- glabmorisCIDCO, Omnibus Technologies
- gunnar-orvarssonReykjavík, Iceland
- hohonuuliMoss Landing, CA
- ivopessanha
- james-morrison-mowi
- Jean-RocMairie de Lille
- jhlenes
- joa-quimUniversity Algarve
- johannahMobile Robotics Lab, McGill University
- junfengyu
- lixiao2
- luxiya01@KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- mandadNOAA
- monocilindro
- NicholasBallard
- oysstu@skarvtech
- schwehrGoogle
- SeisPiderUniversity of Science and Technology of China
- ThomasG77WebGeoDataVore
- tinioCode for America
- tohodsonUrbana, Illinois
- toldaMilano, Italy
- wenhaoxiaozhang
- xyp8023KTH
- yangleirFirst institute of Oceanography, MNR, China