
Question regarding pointnet2

IsakIngebrigtsen opened this issue · 2 comments

it was a really good paper you and your team made regarding this algorithm, and I thinking of using fastreg in my master thesis as a way to improve navigation in a vehicle that has lidar implemented but not sufficient GNSS.

I'm wondering in the file you import "pointnet2_cuda". I cant find this file anywhere in the filestructure, and was wondering if that was correct?

Kind regards
Isak Foss Ingebrigtsen

Hi Isak,

pointnet2_cuda is the name of the extension being built. If you run

cd lib/pointnet2/
python install

the extension should be compiled.

Note that this requires the CUDA toolkit to be installed. You can check if this is the case by checking that the following command works: nvcc --version.

I'm closing this issue, please re-open if you find other issues.