
Very high write time to servos

embeye opened this issue · 4 comments

First of all thanks for having this library available for free.
I am using two MX-12W servos which are supposed to have concurrent motion.I am currently using SimpleAPI which takes around 0.193 seconds to finish write to both servos.

`std::string deviceName = "/dev/ttyUSB0";

if (motor->connect(deviceName, 1) == 0)
    std::cerr << "> Failed to open a serial link for our SimpleAPI! Exiting..." << std::endl;


    std::cout<<"Enter the pan position :";


    std::cout<<"Enter the Tilt position :";


    timestamp_t t0 = get_timestamp();
    timestamp_t t1 = get_timestamp();

    double secs = (t1 - t0) / 1000000.0L;
    std::cout<<"Time: "<<secs<<std::endl;`  

This is my piece of code for doing the work. Is it possible to get some guidance to solve the issue?

I'm sorry to respond this late but I didn't immediatly saw something wrong about your code then forget to respond ^^
The thing is there isn't an actual mistake in your code that explain the slow connexion. When using Dynamixels with an 1MB/s speed, I get around 2ms for a packet round trip if I remember correclty.

Can you show the code sample that start the serial port and set the speed and tell me more about your OS?

My project is under name qembeddedeye from the profile. I can't find a suitable way to share all the code other than this. Can you guide me little about how to send command synchronously to servos. Like instead of saying it two times , in one command operation can be done. This will give me 50 % improvement. I tried controller API but it didn't work

Hi again,
Before thinking about concurrent motion (which is certainly possible, I'll try to write a small doc to use it with the framework) can you try a few things to see if we have a bug or a setup problem.

  • First, do you "see" the servo lagging or is it that these 200ms slow down your program?
  • Did you had a look at this page, see if you can find an useful tip?
  • Can you tell me a bit more about your OS and serial adapter?
  • Can you use the GUI in order to see if you see the same delay and validate you are at the rightbaudrate (should be 1 Mbps)
  • There is an internal feature to mesure per command latency. If you see the same results, it would definitly point to a serial port issue (either framework bug or misconfiguration). You can enable it in "Dynamixel.cpp" by uncommenting the LATENCY_TIMER define. Then in order to see the result you should change this line (in the same file)
    TRACE_1(DXL, "TX > RX loop: %iµs", loopd);
into >
    TRACE_WARNING(DXL, "TX > RX loop: %iµs", loopd);

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