Difference between function 'sample_homography' and 'sample_homography_np'
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The first parameter 'shape' is a constant, i.e., np.array([2, 2]) for 'sample_homography_np', while for 'smaple_homography', it is the shape of image. So could you please give me more detailed explanation about these two functions ?
If I remember correctly, the two should have no differences.
Line 12 in 4ff74df
I was basically rewriting the function in order to be used in pytorch.
Let me know if you have further questions.
I'm doing the same thing,and i have rewrite your function as follows (little differen),
def sample_homography_np(shape, perspective=True, scaling=True, rotation=True, translation=True,
n_scales=5, n_angles=25, scaling_amplitude=0.1, perspective_amplitude_x=0.1,
perspective_amplitude_y=0.1, patch_ratio=0.5, max_angle=pi/2,
allow_artifacts=False, translation_overflow=0.):
import tensorflow as tf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
c = tf.truncated_normal(shape=[10000, ], mean=0, stddev=0.05)
with tf.Session() as sess:
data = c.eval()
plt.hist(x=data, bins=100, color='steelblue', edgecolor='black')
import scipy.stats as stats
mu, sigma = 0, 0.05
lower, upper = mu - 2 * sigma, mu + 2 * sigma
X = stats.truncnorm(
(lower - mu) / sigma, (upper - mu) / sigma, loc=mu, scale=sigma)
plt.hist(X.rvs(10000), bins=100, color='red', edgecolor='black')
std_trunc = 2
# Corners of the input patch
margin = (1 - patch_ratio) / 2
pts1 = margin + np.array([[0, 0], [0, patch_ratio],
[patch_ratio, patch_ratio], [patch_ratio, 0]])
pts2 = pts1.copy()
# Random perspective and affine perturbations
if perspective:
if not allow_artifacts:
perspective_amplitude_x = min(perspective_amplitude_x, margin)
perspective_amplitude_y = min(perspective_amplitude_y, margin)
perspective_displacement = truncnorm(-std_trunc, std_trunc, loc=0., scale=perspective_amplitude_y/2).rvs(1)
h_displacement_left = truncnorm(-std_trunc, std_trunc, loc=0., scale=perspective_amplitude_x/2).rvs(1)
h_displacement_right = truncnorm(-std_trunc, std_trunc, loc=0., scale=perspective_amplitude_x/2).rvs(1)
pts2 += np.array([[h_displacement_left, perspective_displacement],
[h_displacement_left, -perspective_displacement],
[h_displacement_right, perspective_displacement],
[h_displacement_right, -perspective_displacement]]).squeeze()
# Random scaling
# sample several scales, check collision with borders, randomly pick a valid one
if scaling:
scales = truncnorm(-std_trunc, std_trunc, loc=1, scale=scaling_amplitude/2).rvs(n_scales)
scales = np.concatenate((np.array([1]), scales), axis=0)
center = np.mean(pts2, axis=0, keepdims=True)
scaled = (pts2 - center)[np.newaxis, :, :] * scales[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] + center
if allow_artifacts:
valid = np.arange(n_scales) # all scales are valid except scale=1
valid = (scaled >= 0.) * (scaled < 1.)
valid = valid.prod(axis=1).prod(axis=1)
valid = np.where(valid)[0]
idx = valid[np.random.randint(valid.shape[0], size=1)].squeeze().astype(int)
pts2 = scaled[idx,:,:]
# Random translation
if translation:
t_min, t_max = np.min(pts2, axis=0), np.min(1 - pts2, axis=0)
if allow_artifacts:
t_min += translation_overflow
t_max += translation_overflow
pts2 += np.array([uniform(-t_min[0], t_max[0],1), uniform(-t_min[1], t_max[1], 1)]).T
# Random rotation
# sample several rotations, check collision with borders, randomly pick a valid one
if rotation:
angles = np.linspace(-max_angle, max_angle, num=n_angles)
angles = np.concatenate((np.array([0.]),angles), axis=0) # in case no rotation is valid
center = np.mean(pts2, axis=0, keepdims=True)
rot_mat = np.reshape(np.stack([np.cos(angles), -np.sin(angles), np.sin(angles),
np.cos(angles)], axis=1), [-1, 2, 2])
rotated = np.matmul( (pts2 - center)[np.newaxis,:,:], rot_mat) + center
if allow_artifacts:
valid = np.arange(n_angles) # all scales are valid except scale=1
valid = (rotated >= 0.) * (rotated < 1.)
valid = valid.prod(axis=1).prod(axis=1)
valid = np.where(valid)[0]
idx = valid[np.random.randint(valid.shape[0], size=1)].squeeze().astype(int)
pts2 = rotated[idx,:,:]
# Rescale to actual size
shape = shape[::-1] # different convention [y, x]
pts1 *= shape[np.newaxis,:]
pts2 *= shape[np.newaxis,:]
homography = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(np.float32(pts1), np.float32(pts2))
return homography
And it has the same function as the tensorflow code
I see.
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