
Live Server = barrier

dafhi opened this issue · 4 comments

dafhi commented

I miss the days of dragging index.html into firefox. Pressing F5 in a browser after editing via Notepad++ isn't that big of a deal. I realize three.js might have made the switch and THREE.js PathTracing Renderer is being 'compliant' but it's a barrier to adoption

Yes, development for the web has changed a lot over the past few years even. As long as you're not loading textures, sounds, or models into your work, I believe you can still get away with not having a server running in the background. But due to security concerns (not so much for me and my use cases), if you try to pull anything off 'disk' , you have to pull it off of a served page, which is annoying if you're just developing on your own machine at home. -Edit: now that I think about it, I believe you might need a served page for even a bare bones demo without any textures or images because the glsl shaders have to be pulled in and compiled, but I could be mistaken about that particular case. -

I will say this though: Microsoft's Visual Studio Code (a free code editor) has broken down some of these barriers with its Live Server plugin. It is very transparent, I hardly even notice anymore that it has to start up when I start Visual Studio Code for once during an entire day. I just leave it running in the background, even if I'm not coding at the moment and watching YouTube instead of working (lol). I just fire up the editor, click a button to start the server and then when I make changes to the code, it will automatically refresh the page, so I don't even have to click Run or F5 or anything. And although it seems like a small matter, those 'Run' clicks and F5s used to really add up and take their toll on my wrists and fingers, considering I might make hundreds of small changes in 1 development session. This was especially bad when I was programming C, where you are kind of forced to do the dance every time you make a change.

So I agree with you that I miss the environment of just having everything at my immediate disposal on 1 machine without being connected to the internet. But if I am doing any kind of Webgl stuff like with this project, I now prefer (even like) to use Visual Studio Code with the automatic live refresh.

dafhi commented

You soiled my original argument. Brackets is another Live editor that loads much quicker, but .. I reinstalled Win a bit ago and now neither work.

Boo. Hoo. If I really wanted to learn JS I guess I would do it

Ha ha, sorry to soil your argument ;-)
I have heard of Brackets but have never tried it - might give it whirl in the near future. If nothing is working that you have to install, then there are a couple of online only editors for specifically doing JS and web development. 2 of the most popular that come to mind are Codepen and JSFiddle
These would let you get up and running and allow you to experiment with the language - both update instantly if you check the refresh-on-change box.
Good luck - I hope you are able to solve the new Win install issues!

dafhi commented

I do have some outstanding JS samples including older "offline" three js with examples that .. i recall one of them working with new 'three'

I've found my way to 'C' and SDL2. I will be working with that for a while! I will be back, I'm sure