
Glitches in Constructive_Solid_Geometry_Viewer

mrdoob opened this issue ยท 6 comments

I remember these glitches being due to uninitialized variables.


Screen Shot 2021-03-10 at 10 36 25 AM


Screen Shot 2021-03-10 at 10 36 39 AM


Screen Shot 2021-03-10 at 10 36 53 AM

Loving the progress! ๐Ÿ˜Š

this yields a beautiful glitch effect

Hello! Thank you for the heads-up about this glitching issue. If you don't mind, what system/GPU were the screenshots taken from? I can't reproduce on my Toshiba Windows laptop with Intel integrated graphics, or my Windows Surface Laptop with GeForce GPU , or my Samsung S9 smartphone.

In the meantime I'll take a look at my shader code for this demo and see if I forgot to initialize anything. Thanks again!

Chrome 89.0.4389.82
MacOS 10.15.7
MacBook Pro 2016
Intel Iris Graphics 550 1536 MB

Ok thanks, unfortunately I don't have Apple devices like the MacBook that I can periodically test out my code on. At any rate, just now I went back and initialized some of the float variables in the CSG viewer fragment shader. Could you take another look and see if that helped at all? Thanks - sorry for testing by proxy! :)

Unfortunately, seems like the issue is still there...

Thanks - sorry for testing by proxy! :)

No worries!

Ok thanks for checking. I'll see if I can get access to an Apple device so I can debug more systematically. Thanks again for the heads-up.