
[BUG] Gravity compensation cannot turn off

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Version information

  • RDK: v0.8
  • Robot software: v2.10.5
  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04 - x86_64

Describe the bug
streamJointTorque(tau, false) does not turn off gravity compensation

Steps to reproduce

  1. Set the gravity compensation flag of streamJointTorque to false.
  2. Run a simple controller like tau = -10 * q_dot;

Expected behavior
The robot arm will drop because of the lack of gravity compensation.

Additional context
We have tried turn the gravity compensation flag on/off, but it seems there is no effect on the robot arm control at all.

@acf986 This is a known issue and has been fixed in the upcoming RDK v0.9 release.