- 3
- 4
The video streaming picture is incomplete
#325 opened by zerosnsa - 3
Changing of gradient and min-max scaling value doesn't change the visualization result
#323 opened by TharitSinsunthorn - 10
- 4
Default port and address of 'foxglove_bridge_launch.xml' not met when launching
#318 opened by qcharmoillau - 4
- 18
- 3
OMG IDE support missing?
#312 opened by eyr1n - 8
- 11
- 1
Rolling smoke test is crashing on exit
#304 opened by achim-k - 8
Invalid service definition
#301 opened by tonynajjar - 2
Build depend on rclcpp
#302 opened by tdallapiazza - 1
foxglove-bridge complains about missing .msg definition for services on Rolling
#292 opened by 981213 - 1
Fix failing ROS build farm jobs
#284 opened by achim-k - 0
- 3
- 3
crash in foxglove ros1 due to pointer
#267 opened by weidezhang - 10
Meshes not being pulled
#264 opened by lkeselman - 13
- 17
- 1
- 4
- 5
report err when my node running
#236 opened by sgf201 - 1
Avoid duplicated code in ROS 1 & 2 smoke tests
#252 opened by achim-k - 2
ROS2 Launch File Snippet Incorrect
#242 opened by memtech3 - 0
Improve testing code
#245 opened by achim-k - 6
ROS2 static transforms partially propagating through the web bridge to studio
#238 opened by asymingt - 6
- 2
Trigger service call failed to desirialize
#229 opened by bertaveira - 1
[ROS1] Arrays of parameter maps are not supported
#219 opened by achim-k - 5
[Foxglove Nodelet Manager] process had died
#220 opened by joewong00 - 4
- 3
- 3
- 1
Log foxglove_bridge version at startup
#197 opened by achim-k - 6
Missing state transition messages
#174 opened by rgov - 6
[ROS1] Topic whitelist is not bidirectional
#180 opened by sseeberger96 - 3
params_whiltelist not working
#202 opened by tonynajjar - 1
- 1
Unused exception variable warning not detected by CI
#193 opened by achim-k - 0
Use `-Weverything` when compiling with clang
#195 opened by achim-k - 1
updateAdvertisedServices terminates the WebSocket connection in Foxglove Bridge node
#189 opened by MarkSisin - 0
- 4
[ROS2] Failed to parse channel schema
#171 opened by bertaveira - 1
- 2
Build fails with recent change to CMakeLists.txt
#176 opened by gsokoll - 1
- 3
recvUC: malformed packet received from vendor 1.16
#166 opened by tonynajjar - 3
[ROS2] Custom types and parameters fail
#164 opened by bertaveira