
roslaunch franka_example_contollers joint_position_example_controller_sim.launch error

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I get the following error when i'm executing "roslaunch franka_example_contollers joint_position_example_controller_sim.launch"

RLException: [joint_position_example_controller_sim.launch] is neither a launch file in package [franka_example_contollers] nor is [franka_example_contollers] a launch file name
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file

Any solution for this error ??

Hi @akshay-ka, I looked through the launch files in There seems to be no such launch file named joint_position_example_controller_sim.launch, which is why you're getting that error. Maybe you mean joint_position_example_controller.launch?

@peasant98 thanks for the help. I'm also unaware of such a *_sim.launch file. @akshay-ka please note: if you want to simulate the robot, you can use the franka_gazebo package: