
Requirements for panda_moveit_config release

Opened this issue · 3 comments

The new release of is blocked by a few things in franka_ros:

I have merged these (and the first item from the nice-to-have list) into #188 for convenience.

Nice to have

  • #191
  • Allow to use different hardware transmissions in Gazebo: 2514ae1


Open issues

  • GripperCommand doesn't signal convergence (but movements are correctly executed, see #173)
    • MoveIt controller manager fails with: Controller is taking too long to execute trajectory
    • /franka_gripper/gripper_action/status reports:
      Unexpected state transistion: The gripper not in HOLDING as expected
  • #179
  • #172

@rhaschke Thanks for collecting all our issues into an overview. One small suggestion can you change

GripperCommand doesn't signal convergence (but movements are correctly executed)


GripperCommand doesn't signal convergence (but movements are correctly executed) (see #173)

The problem is explained in detail in that pull request. Further, another related issue that should be mentioned is that #146, which was merged to the devel branch, broke the gripper actions (see #179).

For the record, @rhaschke shall we change PR #173 to Issue #172 on the checklist? (as discussed here)

A few things block the new release of

@rhaschke Just for tracking purposes. The motion generators have been implemented in 2514ae1.