- 0
- 1
Support barcodes that have different lengths
#29 opened by nh13 - 2
how to obtain demultixepled paired-end reads with same structure as input reads, including cell barcodes / UMIs
#41 opened by andreiprodan - 6
Barcodes only in Read 1
#40 opened by ahish-sujay - 2
Better error when the sample barcode lengths in the meta do not match the barcode lengths in the read structure
#31 opened by nh13 - 2
Request for example sample-metadata file
#36 opened by JHarrisonEcoEvo - 0
FQTK fails if reads are too short
#27 opened by nh13 - 0
Fails if sample barcodes in the meta.csv are longer than implied by the read structure
#28 opened by nh13 - 0
New tool: replicate fgbio's SortFastq?
#3 opened by tfenne - 0
- 5
Check skipped sequence?
#21 opened by mschubert - 2
Tool-chain version of clippy not being honored
#23 opened by NatPRoach