- 0
In the case gl-400-texture-buffer-rgb,how to change internal format used for texbuffer object?
#97 opened by AyariaDawn - 2
Linux sse3 segfault
#21 opened by holocronweaver - 0
Samples just crush!
#95 opened by triRast860820 - 0
es-200-fbo-shadow template is missing
#91 opened by elect86 - 0
- 3
- 1
es-300-draw-elementes frag-fail doesn't fail
#81 opened by elect86 - 1
es-300-fbo-shadow issue
#84 opened by elect86 - 0
caps issues
#80 opened by elect86 - 0
gl-320-fbo-readPixels* problems
#77 opened by elect86 - 1
installs binaries to /usr/local/. on Linux
#31 opened by bvanevery - 1
#65 opened by elect86 - 1
multi-draw-indirect-id.vert and .frag
#66 opened by elect86 - 1
Multi draw indirect from multiple VBOs
#71 opened by elect86 - 3
interpolateAtSample bug?
#68 opened by elect86 - 4
- 1
#67 opened by elect86 - 2
gl-430-perf-monitor-amd, shader paths
#73 opened by chomicz-m - 1
gl-440-buffer-storage mapping bug
#70 opened by ratchetfreak - 2
#72 opened by chomicz-m - 0
gl-320-buffer-uniform bug
#61 opened by Groovounet - 1
- 2
#62 opened by elect86 - 2
gl-410-program-binary is half broken due to OGL_SAMPLES_BINARY_DIR inconsistency
#48 opened by jrfonseca - 1
#55 opened by elect86 - 1
#52 opened by elect86 - 0
- 2
#54 opened by elect86 - 0
external/gli/gli/./core/load_dds.inl:411: gli::storage gli::load_dds(std::istream&): Assertion `0' failed.
#49 opened by jrfonseca - 1
- 2
glfw on MacOSX and Linux
#47 opened by Groovounet - 4
gl-430-caps differences from spec
#44 opened by NeilMonday - 1
gl-430-caps bug
#40 opened - 1
add texture memory initialization in gl-320-fbo-blit and gl-420-fbo-srgb-decode-ext
#43 opened by slandcrystal - 1
- 1
a question about installation
#41 opened by hudeng - 0
- 0
Add rendering to interger texture sample
#37 opened by Groovounet - 5
- 1
- 7
- 6
#29 opened by dvelasquez1987 - 0
AMD_pinned_memory sample is broken
#27 opened by Groovounet - 3
Unresolved external symbols for FreeImage
#32 opened by randallrvr - 9
compile errors
#25 opened - 1
gl-320-fbo-shadow.cpp incorrect comeple check
#24 opened by jv4779 - 1
CMake GLEW configuration error on Linux
#15 opened by bvanevery - 1
external/glfw-2.7.7/ is in dos format
#16 opened by mahiuchun - 1
No sample works on my Ubuntu 12.04 box
#17 opened by mahiuchun - 1