
Help wanted.

HawtinZeng opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi, gkjohnson, I am writing to ask some help about the source code, what is float32Array, nodeIndex32 and nodeIndex16 in function _intersectsGeometry? I can't figure out this.

What's your question?

I have no questions about how to use this lib, I want to understand the process of testing the intersections of two geometry, but i found I can't understand these three buffers(float32Array, uint16Array, uint32Array)

Can u recommend some books or blogs about the buffer array in geometry?

Do you have a specific question about that code? I'm not sure what you're asking for.

Can u recommend some books or blogs about the buffer array in geometry?

I don't. The project just uses three.js and javascript. Those fields are arrays storing the BVH data in different array formats.

Ok, thank u!