
Reproducing `Analysis of Gradinets` Results

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi @krrish94!
Thanks for sharing the code. Great work!

I wanted to know how can I reproduce the Analysis of Gradients section of the paper?
Does GradSLAM code-base provide this feature out of the box?

Thanks for your interest @mohdomama

One aspect the gradslam release can benefit from is further documentation and examples on leveraging the gradients. There are a few repos that already document this. I would encourage you to look at

While not exactly the "analysis of gradients" section you're looking for, it does something very close to what you might want. (primary difference: the repo linked above uses PointFusion as the main SLAM system of choice; at the time of writing the paper, we were mainly using KinectFusion, which is more memory intensive and is also limited to a fixed volumetric grid)

Another similar application repo from a close collaborator is