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[Bug report title]NoneType Error Encountered with NetMHCpan and Exception When Calling MHCflurry
#1154 opened by anomibo - 5
BigMHC and DeepImmuno future support
#1151 opened by Stikus - 4
- 2
`ValueError: substring not found` when running proteome similarity search with pvacseq
#1150 opened by lukaas33 - 3
MHC allele supported by the original prediction method, but not recognized by pvacseq
#1146 opened by luyh-xp - 0
- 2
- 3
Consider integration of MixMHCPred2
#1093 opened by malachig - 1
Plans for adding NetTCR-2.0?
#1141 opened by lukaas33 - 0
Update pVACview documentation (vignette) and pVACview Tutorials page to mention anchor weights and anchor distribution tables
#1140 opened by susannasiebert - 3
- 6
pVACseq: Discrepancy between {sample_id}.all_epitopes.tsv and {sample_id}.fasta ?
#1118 opened by yiolino - 0
Ensure that elution and immunogenicity percentile data is included in pVACview %ile violin plot
#1086 opened by susannasiebert - 0
Fix various pVACvector issues
#1087 opened by susannasiebert - 6
Frameshift VEP plugin
#1107 opened by SirKuikka - 2
- 1
pVACFuse: KeyError: '25.GCN1-MSI1.ENST00000300648.7-ENST00000257552.7.inframe_fusion.32'
#1125 opened by MaxMichaeler - 1
Outputting accounted-for germline variants
#1088 opened by evelyn-schmidt - 1
Add support for dog alleles for NetMHCpan
#1131 opened by susannasiebert - 2
Support for custom epitope prediction algorithms
#1103 opened by boyangzhao - 6
Zero or few results after filtering
#1104 opened by SirKuikka - 2
CannotConvertValueError for vcf file
#1127 opened by lukaas33 - 2
CannotConvertValue: 125,142 cannot be converted to Integer, keeping as string
#1120 opened by dincerkilic - 5
KeyError: 'mhcflurry_processing_score'
#1123 opened by hangfafa - 4
Method for decomposing MT-WT aa sequences
#1112 opened by nttvy - 3
BigMHC prediction not working
#1119 opened by giacuong171 - 0
Implement new command `pvacseq valid_algorithms` to see which prediction algorithms support a specific allele and/or species
#1106 opened by susannasiebert - 1
NetChop SSLError
#1111 opened by Tseng722 - 0
Minor pVACview improvements
#1109 opened by susannasiebert - 0
Add an option to the valid_alleles command(s) to filter output by species
#1105 opened by susannasiebert - 9
- 7
OSError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor
#1080 opened by ahkamzifo - 2
Version of tools used in pVacFuse
#1092 opened by min-codes - 2
help with pVACseq customization
#1101 opened by javierAPC - 2
- 0
Output a visual representation of the graph after all spacers have been tested
#1089 opened by susannasiebert - 7
pVACtools not working with newest tensorflow (2.16.1)
#1084 opened by Stikus - 5
Restart inputs are different from past inputs
#1076 opened by YingYa - 3
TypeError: argument of type 'float' is not iterable
#1074 opened by YingYa - 8
ValueError: dict contains fields not in fieldnames: 'DeepImmuno WT IC50 Score', 'DeepImmuno MT IC50 Score'
#1075 opened by YingYa - 3
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
#1081 opened by ahkamzifo - 0
Remove "Show x entries" dropdown from "Binding Data" and "Elution Data" tabs
#1060 opened by susannasiebert - 5
- 3
Minor fix in readme
#1066 opened by serge2016 - 1
FutureWarning: Value 'NA' has dtype incompatible with float64, please explicitly cast to a compatible dtype first
#1067 opened by Stikus - 1
pVACview demo: some candidates dont show anchor heatmap
#1059 opened by mhoang22 - 0
QUESTION: How to integrate netchop results to aditionnally filter possible peptides
#1064 opened by PierreLaplante - 6
ref-transcript-mismatch-reporter does not work
#1058 opened by xmy1990 - 1
Remove "Show entries" and search box in Additional Peptide Information box / Binding Data tab
#1061 opened by huimingx