Distributing additional HDF5 compression filters as an R package. Intended to be used with rhdf5, however the compiled filters can also be used with external applications.
- 12
Compiling error in R-4.3
#20 opened by imerelli - 2
zstd.h: No such file or directory
#19 opened by js2264 - 1
- 5
Problems with gcc in Linux Pop Os!
#17 opened by blackhill86 - 6
- 6
Makevars:17: *** missing separator. Stop. ERROR: compilation failed for package 'rhdf5filters'
#14 opened by lucygarner - 3
assembler error with gcc 4.8.5
#9 opened by vjcitn - 23
- 3
Cannot install in Google Colab R4.0
#13 opened by 3N4N - 2
Compilation errors
#10 opened by b524198065 - 2
Assembler Error on linux gcc/8.1.0
#12 opened by mfrisoli126 - 4
Install error
#5 opened by QSong-github - 0
Can't compile on many non-x86 architectures
#3 opened by mr-c - 4
Unable to compile on Linux 64-bit
#1 opened by khughitt - 8
linking flags
#2 opened by kasperdanielhansen