
how to find tool angel?

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i use your library for my arm, but I don't understand what is meant by tool angle. Please help me

The tool angle is the angle in which the tool approaches the object. If you set the tool angle to -90 degrees, then the arm will approach the object from above. If you set it to 0 degrees, it will approach the object from the side. Is this sufficient for an explanation?

Remember that the tool angle has to be given in radians.

Thanks, i understand! I use the MPu6050 to control my hand, and I transfer Bluetooth data, so is it necessary to transform x y z to other values ​​for your library?

That depends on the reference coordinate system. I do not know how you have positioned your IMU, but if you take a look at how the axes are oriented on the module and compare that to the configuration examples where I have drawn the coordinate systems, you should get a general idea of what transformation you will have to do from [x,y,z]_IMU to [x,y,z]_ARM. Good luck!