
Launch crash between PCL and GTSAM

wing0716 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello, thank you very much for your excellent open source work. I have read your paper, run through the three demo programs provided, and tested my own data set, and the results are great. So I want to implement the "loop closure correction on the Livox LiDAR dataset" demo like Example-3, but I meet a bug as follows.

Since I need to convert the point cloud from ros msg to pcl type, I tried to use the following code

pcl::fromPCLPointCloud2(pcl_pc, cloud);
pcl::fromROSMsg(*cloud_ptr, cloud);

But process has died [pid 6718, exit code -11, ......]appeared when launching node, and after debug I found that it happened in this line of code related to gtsam.

After I remove the relevant code of pcl::fromROSMsg, the node can be launched normally, so I am very confused, I don’t know if it is an environmental problem, my environment is ros-melodic, ceres-solver-2.1.0, gtsam-release -4.1.1 as readme file suggested.

Thanks again.

Best regards :)

I have solved this issue. I realized that my dependency versions are somewhat inconsistent. After uninstalling and re-executing the installation command in the this issue is solved. Thanks very much.