- 25
#29 opened by gongjun136 - 1
- 1
Config parameters for benchmark
#25 opened by minwoo0611 - 1
process has died
#42 opened by noble-warrior - 1
[pgo_demo-3] process has died
#39 opened by tube-leee - 16
有大佬知道为什么跑第四个例子时候,运行online_demo和fast-lio2,再play bag包时候出现process has died [pid 229204, exit code -11,进程崩了
#31 opened by wangxinchengg - 1
In online_demo, why use origin_pose_vec instead of pose_vec to calculate betweenfactor?
#41 opened by G4419 - 0
#40 opened by 123295 - 0
Dose this project support mid-360?
#35 opened by JACKLiuDay - 1
Single frame registration problem!
#36 opened by 987428377 - 2
#32 opened by minghongss - 0
#37 opened by maomao0220 - 1
Ouf of memory allocating 180908767704 bytes
#24 opened by PrePLEX23 - 0
#34 opened by keepermzw - 0
The gradient calculation has a fetal bug.
#33 opened by DoMoCo - 6
#20 opened by tust13018211 - 0
- 4
#26 opened by gongjun136 - 1
#28 opened by SlamCabbage - 0
#27 opened by gongjun136 - 1
Question about the codes
#9 opened by minwoo0611 - 9
#18 opened by wing0716 - 13
#12 opened by hr2894235132 - 0
pose file
#23 opened by ydragon719 - 2
How to use STD with LIO-SAM?
#22 opened by JACKLiuDay - 2
Doesn't work for indoor dataset
#16 opened by 4ku - 1
Save STD descriptors
#21 opened by ubgaokk - 0
#19 opened by HIT-Ygq - 2
distort points
#17 opened by fanhuigui - 1
Launch crash between PCL and GTSAM
#10 opened by wing0716 - 5
Issue with pose in own datasets
#4 opened by EloyAldao - 1
In demo_pgo.cpp, line 122: cloud_vec.push_back(current_cloud), it will consume a lot of memory, So better to downsample it.
#13 opened by rstallman - 0
Can you opensource bin files?
#11 opened by PeiliSong501 - 5
Issue with No Corner
#8 opened by chengwei0427 - 2
search loop
#7 opened by fanhuigui - 1
Update maybe?:)
#6 opened by antun008 - 4
About octree leaves
#5 opened by YangSiri - 5
When to open source
#1 opened by monage2018 - 4
Ground-Truth of KA Urban East Dataset
#3 opened by PeiliSong501 - 0
#2 opened by zhengpiao2018