Getting exception when adding two discrete MISO transfer functions
twmacro opened this issue · 6 comments
twmacro commented
Hi again! :-)
I think the following code should work, but I'm getting an exception:
import harold
tf = (harold.Transfer([[[0.0], [1.0]]], [[[1.0], [1.0]]], 0.02)
+ harold.Transfer([[[1.0], [0.5]]], [[[1.0], [1.0]]], 0.02))
Here is the output:
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
~/anaconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/harold-1.0.2.dev0+90a785b-py3.8.egg/harold/ in __add__(self, other)
404 try:
--> 405 return Transfer(self.to_array() + other.to_array(),
406 dt=self._dt)
~/anaconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/harold-1.0.2.dev0+90a785b-py3.8.egg/harold/ in __init__(self, num, den, dt)
64 (self._num, self._den,
---> 65 self._shape, self._isgain) = self.validate_arguments(num, den)
66 self._p, self._m = self._shape
~/anaconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/harold-1.0.2.dev0+90a785b-py3.8.egg/harold/ in validate_arguments(num, den, verbose)
1504 if returned_numden_list[0].size > returned_numden_list[1].size:
-> 1505 raise ValueError('Noncausal transfer functions are not '
1506 'allowed.')
ValueError: Noncausal transfer functions are not allowed.
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-fe5c19b20276> in <module>
1 import harold
2 print(harold.__version__)
----> 3 tf = (harold.Transfer([[[0.0], [1.0]]], [[[1.0], [1.0]]], 0.02)
4 + harold.Transfer([[[1.0], [0.5]]], [[[1.0], [1.0]]], 0.02))
5 print(tf.polynomials)
~/anaconda3/envs/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/harold-1.0.2.dev0+90a785b-py3.8.egg/harold/ in __add__(self, other)
406 dt=self._dt)
407 except ValueError:
--> 408 raise ValueError('Shapes are not compatible for '
409 'addition. Model shapes are {0} and'
410 ' {1}'.format(self._shape, other.shape))
ValueError: Shapes are not compatible for addition. Model shapes are (1, 2) and (1, 2)
ilayn commented
Yeah probably again some static gain detection failure. Let me check quickly
ilayn commented
By the way you can directly create static gains like the following
F = harold.Transfer([[1, 0.5]], 0.02)
twmacro commented
Yep! That worked like a charm:
In [3]: harold.Transfer([[1, 0.5]], 0.02).polynomials
Out[3]: ([[array([[1.]]), array([[0.5]])]], [[array([[0.02]]), array([[0.02]])]])
ilayn commented
Hi Tim, this revealed yet another symptom of #30 so it will take a bit longer for me to revamp the Transfer class. So to let you know :)
ilayn commented
Well at least I wasn't lying about the time needed 😃 Sincere apologies for the ridiculous delay.