This repository for pipe-MIPS32 verilog code.
The MIPS32 is the instruction set architecture of a popular Reduced Instrucon Set Architecture (RISC) processor.
* It is a 32-bit processor, i.e. can operate on 32 bits of data at a time.
- MIPS32 registers:
- 32-bit general purpose registers (GPRs), R0 to R31.
- Register R0 contains a constant 0; cannot be written.
- A special-purpose 32-bit program counter (PC).
- Points to the next instruction in memory to be fetched and executed.
- 32-bit general purpose registers (GPRs), R0 to R31.
- No flag registers (zero, carry, sign etc).
- Very few addressing modes (register, immediate, register indexed etc).
- Only load and store instructions can access memory.
- We assume memory word size is 32 bits (word addressable).
Load and Store Instructions
- LW R2,124(R8) // R2 = Mem[R8+124]
- SW R5,-10(R25) // Mem[R25-10] = R5
Arithmetic and Logic Instructions (only register operands)
- ADD R1,R2,R3 // R1 = R2 + R3
- ADD R1,R2,R0 // R1 = R2 + 0
- SUB R12,R10,R8 // R12 = R10 – R8
- AND R20,R1,R5 // R20 = R1 & R5
- OR R11,R5,R6 // R11 = R5 | R6
- MUL R5,R6,R7 // R5 = R6 * R7
- SLT R5,R11,R12 // If R11 < R12, R5=1; else R5=0
Arithmetic and Logic Instructions (immediate operand)
- ADDI R1,R2,25 // R1 = R2 + 25
- SUBI R5,R1,150 // R5 = R1 – 150
- SLTI R2,R10,10 // If R10<10, R2=1; else R2=0
Branch Instructions
- BEQZ R1,Loop // Branch to Loop if R1=0
- BNEQZ R5,Label // Branch to Label if R5!=0
Jump Instruction
- J Loop // Branch to Loop unconditionally
Miscellaneous Instruction
- HLT // Halt execution
All MIPS32 instructions can be classified into three groups in terms of instruction encoding.
- R-type (Register), I-type (Immediate), and J-type (Jump).
- In an instruction encoding, the 32 bits of the instruction are divided into several fields of fixed widths.
- All instructions may not use all the fields.
Since the relative positions of some of the fields are same across instructions, instruction decoding becomes very simple.
We divide the instruction execution cycle into five steps:
- IF : Instruction Fetch
- ID : Instruction Decode/Register Fetch
- EX : Execution/Effective Address Calculation
- MEM : Memory Access/Branch Completion
- WB : Register Write-back
We now show the generic micro-instructions carries out in the various steps.