An R package to Identify, Annoatate and Visialize Isoform Switches with Functional Consequences (from RNA-seq data)
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pfam webserver output files incompatibility
#227 opened by Blondeau-Bidet - 4
analyzeIUPred2A() Error in `$<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, "idr_type", value = "IDR")
#253 opened by ShannonTown - 1
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problem in running exampleSwitchListAnalyzed
#252 opened by cariocow - 0
About import R data
#255 opened by border-info-nt - 7
- 2
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example of dataset to use IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR
#249 opened by jchelbling - 4
- 3
- 1
the output of importRdata is different?
#248 opened by huawen-poppy - 1
AIUPred Compatibility
#246 opened by NanoCoreUSA - 1
- 0
how is `iso_value` transformed to `IF` ?
#245 opened by sparthib - 3
Visualization problem
#243 opened by dawangran - 1
Import data for isoquant
#242 opened by dawangran - 1
Version Discrepancy (GitHub vs. Bioconductor)
#241 opened by NanoCoreUSA - 0
Joining multiple switch lists
#240 opened by rugilemat - 3
Question about sva correction: why does IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR tell me I have a lot of SVs but sva actually disagrees?
#238 opened by bozbezbozzel - 3
Continous condition in design matrix?
#236 opened by amkilpatrick - 1
Issues with importRdata()
#237 opened by R-relota - 1
Gene position for eqtl analysis
#207 opened by sumageb - 2
CPAT3 compatibility
#235 opened by rugilemat - 3
What are the SV values created in design matrix?
#205 opened by ElvaWong - 1
How do I get exon inclusion level of alternative splicing events in each group
#215 opened by orange-3711 - 2
File import order impacts IsoformSwitchAfterDEXSeq
#217 opened by LetiziaMe - 2
Error in importRdata
#221 opened by urwahnawaz - 1
Question about reference genome and annotations
#222 opened by sparthib - 1
Import after STAR Alignment
#224 opened by bassanio - 1
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comparisonsToMake wiith 4four conditions
#234 opened by Vermarashi - 2
Warnning -- remove duplicates
#226 opened by Annie133 - 2
Cannot import CPAT
#210 opened by ElvaWong - 1
Error with importIsoformExpression
#232 opened by EntoErin - 9
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Gene expression values using IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR
#208 opened by Harshangda - 1
Question on importIsoformExpression()
#225 opened by sparthib - 3
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addORFfromGTF(): Error in in h(simpleError(msg, call))
#219 opened by Catv97 - 3
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Error in vroom_(file, delim = delim %||% col_types$delim, col_names = col_names, : bad value
#213 opened by ErickMUO - 2
StringTie readLength when using long reads
#209 opened by majdabdul - 2
isoformSwitchAnalysisCombined() error?
#212 opened by marwa38 - 0
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Error importing StringTie output
#206 opened by majdabdul - 2
Issue using importRdata
#200 opened by lauralh5 - 8
Problem in importRdata
#202 opened by RamonSLPS - 2
Doubt about splicing analysis
#203 opened by RamonSLPS - 3
UTR length
#204 opened by lananh-ngn - 2
Issue with the data?
#201 opened by HAFSAKHAN9