- 2
Assistance Needed with Leap Hand in PyBullet
#29 opened by Fanqyu - 1
A question about the numObservations
#28 opened by Young-Ace - 1
headless rendering
#23 opened by tarunc20 - 2
Do you know how to change the rotation axis?
#26 opened by likecanyon - 2
the question about the numActions
#27 opened by Young-Ace - 2
- 4
Does the author have any plans to build the train environment in Isaac Sim so that we can train the Hand in Issac Sim and deploy it with ROS2 on ubuntu 22.04
#24 opened by likecanyon - 35
- 9
Have trouble running the pretrained policy
#1 opened by RyanJiao - 1
troublesome leap_hand_left.urdf
#22 opened by zhoubohan0 - 1
- 2
Difference between trained .pth files?
#20 opened by Dharmik-P45 - 21
- 2
for how long did you trained the model?
#17 opened by Shafik2b - 2
for how long do we need to train the model in order to start rotating the cube
#16 opened by Shafik2b - 3
- 1
- 3
The object poses are not reset properly
#13 opened by Director-of-G - 3
- 1
Re-training of the robotic LEAP Hand
#11 opened by AdrianPrados - 1
Missing left Leaphand urdf
#10 opened by object814 - 0
Dependency conflict with isaacgymenvs
#7 opened by patrickhaoy - 2
Why are pgain and dgain so small?
#9 opened by mzhmxzh - 1
LEAP Hand MuJoCo Support
#8 opened by cemoke - 1
- 3
Segmentation fault
#6 opened by zhengbi-yong - 1
Feature request: headless + livestream
#5 opened by wredsen - 1
Problem generating my own cache
#4 opened by wredsen - 3
Problems following the Installation section
#2 opened by wredsen