
ros noetic下报错

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在ros noetic下跑,报这个错误
Failed to build tree: parent link [base_link] of joint [camera1_joint] not found. This is not valid according to the URDF spec. Every link you refer to from a joint needs to be explicitly defined in the robot description. To fix this problem you can either remove this joint [camera1_joint] from your urdf file, or add "" to your urdf file.

sorry, I haven't check its performance on ros noetic.

@chenzhengxi 把urdf文件夹下两个 .xacro'文件中所有的xacro宏调用改一下,这个错误就没了,也不用改几个地方。

  1. robot_with_realsense.urdf.xacro
    第七行的<robot_body/> 改为 <xacro:robot_body/>
  2. robot_body.urdf.xacro
         <xacro:wheel lr="right"  translateY="1" />
         <xacro:wheel lr="left"  translateY="-1" />
         <xacro:caster fb="front"  translateX="-1" />
    以及好几个inertial matrix的调用,例如<xacro:sphere_inertial_matrix m="${caster_mass}" r="${caster_radius}" />

@marquistj13 你好,我是在ubuntu20上运行这个代码,还遇到了这样的错误,请问你知道怎么解决吗
[ WARN] [1656073391.886172034]: link 'base_link' material 'red' undefined.
[ WARN] [1656073391.890221560]: link 'base_link' material 'red' undefined.
[ WARN] [1656073391.890858250]: link 'xMark_link' material 'white' undefined.
[ WARN] [1656073391.890945537]: link 'xMark_link' material 'white' undefined.
[ WARN] [1656073391.891066648]: link 'yMark_link' material 'black' undefined.
[ WARN] [1656073391.891121184]: link 'yMark_link' material 'black' undefined.

process[mapping-9]: started with pid [56383]
[ INFO] [1656073393.474801800]: Finished loading Gazebo ROS API Plugin.
[ INFO] [1656073393.477936783]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] has not been advertised, waiting...
[INFO] [1656073393.873358, 0.000000]: Loading model XML from ros parameter robot_description
[INFO] [1656073393.891419, 0.000000]: Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
[ INFO] [1656073393.938645663]: Finished loading Gazebo ROS API Plugin.
[ INFO] [1656073393.944015284]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo_gui/set_physics_properties] has not been advertised, waiting...
[ INFO] [1656073394.565632388]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] is now available.
[ INFO] [1656073394.648893448, 1825.830000000]: Physics dynamic reconfigure ready.
[INFO] [1656073394.807110, 0.000000]: Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
[ INFO] [1656073395.811110037, 1826.074000000]: Camera Plugin: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/'
[ INFO] [1656073395.817253946, 1826.074000000]: Camera Plugin (ns = /) <tf_prefix_>, set to ""
[ INFO] [1656073395.823388225, 1826.074000000]: Camera Plugin: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/'
[ INFO] [1656073395.829772635, 1826.074000000]: Camera Plugin (ns = /) <tf_prefix_>, set to ""
[INFO] [1656073395.862120, 1826.074000]: Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity
**[ERROR] [1656073396.009793923, 1826.074000000]: Unsupported Gazebo ImageFormat

[ERROR] [1656073396.011285690, 1826.074000000]: Unsupported Gazebo ImageFormat**

b4l8 commented


@marquistj13 你好,我是在ubuntu20上运行这个代码,还遇到了这样的错误,请问你知道怎么解决吗 [ WARN] [1656073391.886172034]: link 'base_link' material 'red' undefined. [ WARN] [1656073391.890221560]: link 'base_link' material 'red' undefined. [ WARN] [1656073391.890858250]: link 'xMark_link' material 'white' undefined. [ WARN] [1656073391.890945537]: link 'xMark_link' material 'white' undefined. [ WARN] [1656073391.891066648]: link 'yMark_link' material 'black' undefined. [ WARN] [1656073391.891121184]: link 'yMark_link' material 'black' undefined. process[mapping-9]: started with pid [56383] [ INFO] [1656073393.474801800]: Finished loading Gazebo ROS API Plugin. [ INFO] [1656073393.477936783]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] has not been advertised, waiting... [INFO] [1656073393.873358, 0.000000]: Loading model XML from ros parameter robot_description [INFO] [1656073393.891419, 0.000000]: Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model [ INFO] [1656073393.938645663]: Finished loading Gazebo ROS API Plugin. [ INFO] [1656073393.944015284]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo_gui/set_physics_properties] has not been advertised, waiting... [ INFO] [1656073394.565632388]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] is now available. [ INFO] [1656073394.648893448, 1825.830000000]: Physics dynamic reconfigure ready. [INFO] [1656073394.807110, 0.000000]: Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model [ INFO] [1656073395.811110037, 1826.074000000]: Camera Plugin: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/' [ INFO] [1656073395.817253946, 1826.074000000]: Camera Plugin (ns = /) <tf_prefix_>, set to "" [ INFO] [1656073395.823388225, 1826.074000000]: Camera Plugin: Using the 'robotNamespace' param: '/' [ INFO] [1656073395.829772635, 1826.074000000]: Camera Plugin (ns = /) <tf_prefix_>, set to "" [INFO] [1656073395.862120, 1826.074000]: Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity **[ERROR] [1656073396.009793923, 1826.074000000]: Unsupported Gazebo ImageFormat

[ERROR] [1656073396.011285690, 1826.074000000]: Unsupported Gazebo ImageFormat**

material用大写Red,White,Black, ImageFormat 用R8G8B8
