- 1
- 1
Additional refactoring extension_action_view_controller and evaluate removal of sidebarContainer
#39 opened by ltilve - 4
Having different extensions on the sidebar tests
#38 opened by ltilve - 2
- 2
Fix BrowserActionsBarBrowserTest
#36 opened by ryumiel - 3
- 4
- 1
Popup should be closed when we press a extension button which is already shows a popup.
#35 opened by ryumiel - 2
Fix some more reviews related with tests, simultaneous sidebars/popups, and popup owners
#31 opened by ltilve - 1
- 1
Selecting 'hide in menu' on another extension unchecks the pressed browserAction
#32 opened by ltilve - 2
- 1
- 1
Crash dragging a tab with a visible sidebarContainer between different browser windows
#27 opened by ltilve - 2
- 1
- 3
- 1
Use TabStripModelObserver instead of notifications
#25 opened by ltilve - 1
Use only a WebContents* to SidebarContainer* map
#26 opened by ltilve - 1
- 1
- 1
- 2
Remove SidebarManager from browser process
#17 opened by ltilve - 2
#18 opened by ltilve - 2
- 4
Crash after rebasing at interactive_ui_tests
#16 opened by ryumiel - 1
Sidebar visible at detached DevTools window
#5 opened by ltilve - 4
- 1
- 1
- 11
- 5
Restrict width of sidebar
#13 opened by ryumiel - 2
- 1
window.close() should hide the sidebar
#9 opened by ltilve - 3
- 2
- 1
- 2
- 2
Enable unit test in browserAction CL
#6 opened by ryumiel - 1