
How to save the result of a .klg log file instead of display the real-time 3D reconstruction?

zhaoyu19920930 opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi, I am learning your project. For I have no fast GPU with enough memory, I use a container service to run maskfusion.
I have created the executable file MaskFusion, when I run the followed command line:
"./MaskFusion -run -l /mnt/home/maskfusion/test/teddy-handover.klg"
show error:
Calibration set to resolution: 640x480, [fx: 528 fy: 528, cx: 320 cy: 240] Reading log file: /mnt/home/maskfusion/test/teddy-handover.klg which has 528 frames. terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' what(): Pangolin X11: Failed to open X display Aborted (core dumped)
I think the cause of error is the container service can not support GUI display. But I don't know how to modify the code to avoid to display the real-time 3D reconstruction but to save the result.
If you know how to solve my problem, I will be greatful for your response.