
How to display the robot training GUI in PyBullet

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Hello, I reproduced your code, but I can't see the robot during training. If I want to display the robot training process( PyBullet GUI ) , How should I modify this code? Thank you very much.

    I try to modifie  this code, but an error was reported. Looking forward to your help, thank you very much.
    self.train_env = gym.make(self.cfg.task, render_mode='human')
    self.eval_env = gym.make(self.cfg.task, render_mode='human')

Hello. The visualization of training has been integrated into WandB. You can turn on WandB as instructed in README to see that.

It seems your code is correct, may I know more details about the error? (I guess you should only render train_env with 'human', because render 'human' with 2 envs may result in errors)

Thank you very much for your answer,the following is the error when running.
Error executing job with overrides: ['seed=3', 'task_name=NeedlePick-v0']
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 174, in main
exp = Experiment(cfg)
File "", line 22, in init
File "", line 42, in setup
self.eval_env = gym.make(self.cfg.task_name, render_mode='human')
File "/home/pan/anaconda3/envs/herdemo/lib/python3.8/site-packages/gym/envs/", line 597, in make
env = cls(**_kwargs)
File "/home/pan/强化学习应用/hindsight-experience-replay-with-demo/surrol/tasks/", line 61, in init
super(PsmEnv, self).init(render_mode)
File "/home/pan/强化学习应用/hindsight-experience-replay-with-demo/surrol/gym/", line 39, in init
self.cid = p.connect(p.GUI)
pybullet.error: Only one local in-process GUI/GUI_SERVER connection allowed. Use DIRECT connection mode or start a separate GUI physics server (ExampleBrowser, App_SharedMemoryPhysics_GUI, App_SharedMemoryPhysics_VR) and connect over SHARED_MEMORY, UDP or TCP instead.

Set the environment variable HYDRA_FULL_ERROR=1 for a complete stack trace.
Exception ignored in: <function SurRoLEnv.del at 0x7f01d80ec040>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pan/强化学习应用/hindsight-experience-replay-with-demo/surrol/gym/", line 238, in del
File "/home/pan/强化学习应用/hindsight-experience-replay-with-demo/surrol/gym/", line 142, in close
if self.cid >= 0:
AttributeError: 'NeedlePick' object has no attribute 'cid'
numActiveThreads = 0
stopping threads
Thread with taskId 0 exiting
destroy semaphore
semaphore destroyed
destroy main semaphore
main semaphore destroyed
numActiveThreads = 0
btShutDownExampleBrowser stopping threads
Thread with taskId 0 exiting
destroy semaphore
semaphore destroyed
destroy main semaphore
main semaphore destroyed

During the training process, I cannot see the robot. How should I modify the code? Thank you very much. In this code "" I encountered the same problem when run code "sh scripts/ " . Thank you very much.

Hello, when I run "python3 task=NeedlePick-v0 agent=dex use_wb=True" I can see the robot in the software use_wb.

If I don't use Wb,run "python3 task=NeedlePick-v0 agent =dex use_wb=False”, In this case how to see robots in Pybullet. How to modify this code? Thank you very much。

Hi. Could you try self.train_env = gym.make(self.cfg.task, render_mode='human'); self.eval_env = gym.make(self.cfg.task, render_mode='rgb_array')?

I try self.train_env = gym.make(self.cfg.task, render_mode='human'); self.eval_env = gym.make(self.cfg.task, render_mode='rgb_array'), but it doesn't seem to work, the error is reported as follows. Thanks a lot.

(dex) pan@pan-Lenovo-Legion-Y9000K2021H:~/强化学习应用/hindsight-experience-replh-demo/DEX-main$ python3 task=NeedlePick-v0 agent=sac use_wb=Fals
pybullet build time: Nov 28 2023 23:51:11
startThreads creating 1 threads.
starting thread 0
started thread 0
argv[0] = --unused
argv[1] = --start_demo_name=Physics Server
ExampleBrowserThreadFunc started
X11 functions dynamically loaded using dlopen/dlsym OK!
X11 functions dynamically loaded using dlopen/dlsym OK!
Creating context
Created GL 3.3 context
Direct GLX rendering context obtained
Making context current
GL_VERSION=3.3.0 NVIDIA 530.41.03
Version = 3.3.0 NVIDIA 530.41.03
Vendor = NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer = NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Laptop GPU/PCIe/SSE2
b3Printf: Selected demo: Physics Server
startThreads creating 1 threads.
starting thread 0
started thread 0
MotionThreadFunc thread started
ven = NVIDIA Corporation
ven = NVIDIA Corporation
/home/pan/anaconda3/envs/dex/lib/python3.8/site-packages/gym/ UserWarning: WARN: Box bound precision lowered by casting to float32
warnings.warn(colorize('%s: %s'%('WARN', msg % args), 'yellow'))
EGL device choice: -1 of 3.
Loaded EGL 1.5 after reload.
Failed to make context current (eglError: 12288)

Thank you very much for your patient reply. I will take a closer look at the code. Thank you for your help.