- 8
Annotating unitigs using annotate_hits_pyseer
#272 opened by daisy238 - 6
- 0
manhattan plot
#273 opened by xqzangnolan - 4
vcf GT format:0/0, 1/1 or 0 , 1
#241 opened by yayahoho1 - 2
- 3
fsm-lite stops due to lack of RAM
#259 opened by hfaoro - 10
Seeking combined effects of variants on a continuous phenotype with pyseer elastic nets
#261 opened by vijuvi - 4
- 2
merged snps files
#266 opened by akarkaba - 2
Prediction Tutorial Error
#267 opened by chaseschwarz - 6
k-mer annotation
#270 opened by beryl-au - 4
SNP and COG association with fixed effects model
#271 opened by OtakuZerg - 6
K-mer association with mixed effects model
#265 opened by komaltilwani53 - 2
- 2
- 0
rsync webhook for docs
#258 opened by johnlees - 6
#257 opened by AbubakariAbdulwasid - 1
Update readthedocs config
#248 opened by johnlees - 4
Annotating Kmers in RNA regions
#253 opened by idolawoye - 14
- 1
Change the CI from conda to mamba
#247 opened by johnlees - 1
No tested/printed variants
#251 opened by idolawoye - 8
- 2
burden testing, gene length
#250 opened by dustinlong - 4
ZeroDivisionError (0variants [00:00, ?variants/s])
#245 opened by GaloGS - 3
Abricate compatibility issue
#244 opened by chunmn826 - 1
Regarding adjusting for population structure when detecting lineage-specific sequence
#242 opened by snackens - 4
annotation criteria when matching reference
#240 opened by snackens - 10
lineage specific unitigs
#238 opened by snackens - 7
ValueError: could not convert string to float error in mash dist mash_sketch.msh mash_sketch.msh| square_mash > mash.tsv
#215 opened by Albertzhuo123 - 2
Using unitigs generated from short-reads
#223 opened by WMonteith - 6
Multiple annotations per kmer, prevents summarization
#228 opened by jacordova - 4
Problem installing pyseer with conda
#232 opened by ireneortega - 2
Fixed or mixed effects model?
#234 opened by ireneortega - 3
snp.vcf file
#233 opened by hfaoro - 1
Getting error while installing pyseer using miniconda
#225 opened by dzjian2 - 3
possibly erroneous odds ratio?
#227 opened by alexlevylab - 1
- 1
VCF input requires bgzip and tabix index
#229 opened by LeahRoberts - 1
Multiple alleles similarity_pyseer
#231 opened by ireneortega - 1
glmnet version pip install
#230 opened by LeahRoberts - 1
QQ plot graphs
#222 opened by AlperYurtseven - 1
GWAS analysis using both SNP and COG together
#224 opened by AmayAgrawal - 2
Evaluate the results
#221 opened by AlperYurtseven - 5
similarity_pyseer generates a matrix with all 0's
#220 opened by AmayAgrawal - 4
pyseer Manhattan plot canยดt be seen in Phandango
#218 opened by rachel1898 - 1
Adding multidimensionality to cmdscale
#217 opened by BernardoOlisan - 0
Improve error messages when wrong format is used
#216 opened by mgalardini - 7
qq plot
#212 opened by ShiminYang97 - 3
Error in annotate_hits_pyseer
#208 opened by nicola-palmieri