
Fails to create test.h5 and eval.h5 in DataExplorationAndPreparation

ykkimhgu opened this issue · 2 comments

Problem description

Stops with error in generating test/validation dataset of .h5 files in DataExplorationAndPreparation
It seems it creates train.h5 but does not create test.h5 and eval.h5

Problem details

When running this code in DataExplorationAndPreparation

train_eval_test_split = [0.7, 0.2, 0.1]
full_path_raw_folders = [os.path.join(RAW_DATA_DIR, f) for f in DATA_FOLDERS]
Cooking.cook(full_path_raw_folders, COOKED_DATA_DIR, train_eval_test_split)

Iteration stops with this output message.
It seems it creates train.h5 but does not create test.h5 and eval.h5
Codes before this line worked fine.

Reading data from ../dataset/EndToEndLearningRawData/data_raw/normal_1...
Reading data from ../dataset/EndToEndLearningRawData/data_raw/normal_2...
Reading data from ../dataset/EndToEndLearningRawData/data_raw/normal_3...
Reading data from ../dataset/EndToEndLearningRawData/data_raw/normal_4...
Reading data from ../dataset/EndToEndLearningRawData/data_raw/normal_5...
Reading data from ../dataset/EndToEndLearningRawData/data_raw/normal_6...
Reading data from ../dataset/EndToEndLearningRawData/data_raw/swerve_1...
Reading data from ../dataset/EndToEndLearningRawData/data_raw/swerve_2...
Reading data from ../dataset/EndToEndLearningRawData/data_raw/swerve_3...
Processing ../dataset/data_cooked/train.h5...
StopIteration                             Traceback (most recent call last)
~\Git_Program\AirSim\ADCookBook\Tutorial_E2EDeepLearning\ in generatorForH5py(data_mappings, chunk_size)
    129                 raise StopIteration
--> 130     raise StopIteration


The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-13-bce568193587> in <module>
      1 train_eval_test_split = [0.7, 0.2, 0.1]
      2 full_path_raw_folders = [os.path.join(RAW_DATA_DIR, f) for f in DATA_FOLDERS]
----> 3 Cooking.cook(full_path_raw_folders, COOKED_DATA_DIR, train_eval_test_split)

~\Git_Program\AirSim\ADCookBook\Tutorial_E2EDeepLearning\ in cook(folders, output_directory, train_eval_test_split)
    192     for i in range(0, len(split_mappings), 1):
    193         print('Processing {0}...'.format(output_files[i]))
--> 194         saveH5pyData(split_mappings[i], output_files[i])
    195         print('Finished saving {0}.'.format(output_files[i]))

~\Git_Program\AirSim\ADCookBook\Tutorial_E2EDeepLearning\ in saveH5pyData(data_mappings, target_file_path)
    162         dset_previous_state[:] = previous_state_chunk
--> 164         for image_names_chunk, label_chunk, previous_state_chunk in gen:
    165             image_chunk = np.asarray(readImagesFromPath(image_names_chunk))
RuntimeError: generator raised StopIteration

Experiment/Environment details

  • Tutorial used: AirSimE2EDeepLearning-> DataExplorationAndPreparation
  • Environment used: landscape
  • Versions of artifacts used (if applicable): Python 3.7.7 Keras 2.3.1 Using Tensorflow backened, h5py

I have the exact same problem.

Rvlis commented

Because of the new behaviour in python 3.7, I suggest you downgrade your python to 3.6 (or lower) or use the try-catch to wrap the generator. This link may help you.