Utilize OpenCV and ROS Humble to create a ROS node that communicates with an ESP32 over WiFi. This project detects hand gestures, publishing to a Micro-ROS topic to control an LED—illuminate on open hand, and turn off on a closed hand. Explore the synergy of computer vision and IoT in a compact gesture-controlled setup.
- anikdeKailashahar, Tripura, India
- ArturoSirventTyris AI | UPV
- brutany
- edgarnsango2Banco Atlantico
- ellie-gemAdelaide
- gautz@ipa320
- hellolixc
- iraaditLiège, Belgium
- ItsMeStefan
- jackhou66
- knmcguire@bitcraze
- MagiccofeeSingapore
- miguelgonrodBogotá
- nikosmitrop1995
- Octo-SiddharthIndia
- OtavioRMCRibeirão Preto
- rajeshb0202
- saracen24Kazan
- spiceybolt
- sudharshan2001
- Sushantshah222Pi Innovations Pvt. Ltd.
- t-montes
- TeitlerS
- TomBKIHamburg