
2D NDT Mapping and Localization

Primary LanguageC++BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


This package implements the Normal Distribution Transform (NDT) for mapping and localization.

The scan matcher is plugin-based. An example of using the Karto scan matcher can be found in the ndt_2d_karto package. This opens up some interesting applications, such as mapping with the Karto scan matcher and then using the NDT-based one for localization afterwards.

This package is still a work-in-progress - see the open issue for the best estimate of what does or does not work.

Use Cases

  • Mapping: default parameters will lead to this use case. The save_map.py script can be used to save the NDT map data for later localization. The regular nav2_map_server can be used to save the map needed for navigation, or it can be re-generated at runtime from the NDT map data.

  • Localization via Particle Filter: set the map_file parameter to the full filename of your saved NDT map data, set use_particle_filter to true. The particle filter supports many of the same odometry and filter parameters as AMCL (e.g. odom_alpha1, min_particles);

  • Localization via Scan Matching: set the map_file parameter to the full filename of your saved NDT map data, make sure use_particle_filter is set to false.

Parameter Details

  • enable_mapping: When set, mapping is disabled. A global NDT will be built from the loaded map.

  • global_search_size: The maximum distance between two scans to be considered for global loop closure.

  • global_search_limit: The maximum number of scans to be considered for global loop closure against a new scan.

  • minimum_travel_distance: Minimum linear travel distance before localization update is applied. Applies to both particle filter and scan matching based localization. Units: meters.

  • minimum_travel_rotation: Minimum angular travel before localization update is applied. Applies to both particle filter and scan matching based localization. Units: radians.

  • map_file: If this set, this resource will be loaded as an initial map. This works for both continuing to map OR localization. Robot must be localized with the initial pose tool.

  • max_range: Maximum distance of laser measurements. Measurements beyond this range are discarded. Default is -1, in which case the max range will be extracted from the laser scan message.

  • occupancy_threshold: When generating the occupancy grid map, this is the threshold between free and occupied space based on how many raytraces have hit or passed through a given cell.

  • odom_frame: TF frame_id for the odometry. Usually odom.

  • optimization_node_limit: Minimum number of nodes that must be added to the graph between runs of the graph optimizer.

  • resolution: Resolution of the published occupancy grid map. This is entirely independent of the underlying resolution of the NDT. Units: meters.

  • robot_frame: TF frame_id for the robot. Usually base_link.

  • rolling_depth: When building a map, this is how many scans to use when building the local NDT for scan matching.

  • scan_matcher_type: The plugin name for the scan matcher to use. Default is ndt_2d::ScanMatcherNDT.

  • transform_timeout: Max allowable time to wait for transform to become available when transforming the laser scan. Units: seconds.

  • use_barycenter: When scan matching, should closest scans be selected via the scan pose or the barycenter of the scan points.

  • use_particle_filter: When set, mapping is disabled and a global NDT is created. The initial pose tool will initialize localization.

ScanMatcherNDT Parameters

Each scan matcher uses the following parameters, namespaced into either local_scan_matcher or global_scan_matcher namespaces:

  • ndt_resolution: Resolution used for the NDT grid. Every cell of this resolution will be represented by a single Gaussian function. Units: meters.

  • laser_max_beams: Maximum number of laser beams to use during scan matching. This mirrors the parameter of the same name in AMCL.

  • search_angular_resolution: Angular resolution to use for the scan matching search. Units: radians.

  • search_angular_size: Search will be conducted from -search_angular_size to search_angular_size, centered around the odometry heading. Units: radians.

  • search_linear_resolution: Linear resolution to use for the scan matching search in X/Y dimensions. Units: meters.

  • search_linear_size: Search will be conducted from -search_linear_size to search_linear_size, centered around the odometry pose. Units: meters.

Technical Details

This package implements mapping and localization using the following:

  • The underlying representation for scan matching is the Normal Distribution Transform (NDT) as described in [1]. We do not implement the overlapping grids as described in section III of the paper. The covariance computation when doing scan matching is based on [2].

  • The calculation of NDT cell mean and covariances is done in an incremental manner modeled on [3].

  • The particle filter, motion model, and KLD resampling algorithms come from the "Probabilistic Robotics" book [4]. The filter does not include the recovery feature based on tracking of average weights as it was unused in every AMCL configuration investigated.

Threading Notes

There are three threads:

  • The rclcpp::spin() thread - this processes the laser scan callback and initial pose callbacks. This is the only thread that adds scans to the graph. This thread also adds constraints to the graph. This is the only thread that changes the prev_X_pose_ variables.

  • The loop closure thread - access graph, adds constraints to the graph.

  • The publish thread - publishes the map and transforms. Accesses graph but does not alter the graph. Access prev_X_pose_ variables but does not alter them.


[1] Biber, Peter, and Wolfgang Straßer. "The normal distributions transform: A new approach to laser scan matching." Proceedings 2003 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2003)(Cat. No. 03CH37453). Vol. 3. IEEE, 2003.

[2] Olson, Edwin B. "Real-time correlative scan matching." 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. IEEE, 2009.

[3] Saarinen, Jari, et al. "Normal distributions transform occupancy maps: Application to large-scale online 3D mapping." 2013 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation. IEEE, 2013.

[4] Thrun, Burgard and Fox. "Probabilistic Robotics". MIT Press, 2005.