
what if I am using px4?

vxgu86 opened this issue · 6 comments

what if I am using px4? I do not have Qualcomm Snapdragon

Hi @vxgu86!

Any autopilot can be used as long as you can send velocity commands. The core code is autopilot agnostic. The code that interfaces with the autopilot is in saftey.cpp.

I would suggest writing your own node that subscribes to the /goal topic that comes from safety.cpp (using snapdragon_msgs). Then, use mavros (or whatever) to relay the goal msg to the pixhawk.

@plusk01 I have questions when running simulation.
I could post picture here so I send you a email at gmail, could you help me please?
thanks, it's about global status error with map error

@plusk01 I still have not solved this error,could you help please

From @vxgu86:

hi,really nice job. and thanks for sharing
I have got some questions, could you share some idea?

##1 you said the following in the github:
To run a simulation (referred to as a trial) use the following incantation. There must not be a roscore running before you run this step.
$ rosrun aclswarm_sim -f swarm6_3d -i

but if I start a roscore first, the command above could not executed due to that: A roscore is already running. Shutdown roscore and try again.

##2 when I click start, the RViz and rqt pop out like in the picture, but I could not see any motors,
there is global status error, nothing show up in the right window. I do not know how to fix this?

##3 you make this great job with Qualcomm Snapdragon Flight, could I say that, the "Qualcomm Snapdragon Flight" is like a mini-computer+pixhawk?
the ros nodes are running on the mini-computer part and send commands like changespeed to the flying control part like pixhawk?
and the "Qualcomm Snapdragon Flight" is a mixer that combine them together?

I am not familiar with pixhawk, not to say the "Qualcomm Snapdragon Flight".

##4 I recall some algorithm called CBBA, also from MIT, do the consensus have something in common with it?

do you have any explaniation or documents that I can learn from for the job, really great job ,and I want to learn from it.


Thanks for your kind words!

  1. The instructions say: "There must not be a roscore running before you run this step."
  2. I have added an rviz file that automatically configures the sim visualization in a3d00bb. Pull and run the same steps again.
  3. Correct, Snapdragon flight is a mini-computer + pixhawk autopilot. ROS runs on snapdragon flight Linux CPU side, sends motor commands to DSP/low-level microcontroller side.
  4. Yes, we utilize CBAA in our distributed task assignment algorithm. See our paper for more details.

Hope this helps!

closing, feel free to reopen if you're still having issues