- 2
Car can not turn
#16 opened by ArtlyStyles - 4
- 3
Understanding ackermann_cmd_mux
#12 opened by subodh-malgonde - 0
IMU code error
#22 opened by ArtlyStyles - 0
enertion focbox
#21 opened by ArtlyStyles - 0
IMU message orientation to world
#20 opened by ArtlyStyles - 0
Why do you use lidar, stereo, rgb-d cameras?
#19 opened by droneRL2020 - 3
- 0
How is the IMU direction defined?
#17 opened by ArtlyStyles - 4
How to navigate with Racecar
#5 opened by NevzatBOL - 0
How to compute the ackermann control
#15 opened by ArtlyStyles - 0
VESC configuration
#14 opened by husmen - 1
- 3
Need to center the steering
#11 opened by ArtlyStyles - 3
How to train the car on new course
#7 opened by ArtlyStyles - 1
Is this project still maintained?
#8 opened by xoxota99 - 0
run_camera launch parameter is never used?
#10 opened by xoxota99 - 1
how to collect training video?
#6 opened by ArtlyStyles - 0
ROS node for camera?
#9 opened by xoxota99 - 1
- 3