A devkit for the Canadian Adverse Driving Conditions (CADC) dataset.
- 1
Unable to download file using
#43 opened by voodooed - 0
Wrong Lidar projection on 2d image
#42 opened by wangjiyuan9 - 2
@SOS@: dataset can't be downloaded.
#41 opened by BigPotato-H - 1
Unable to download dataset
#40 opened by EmperorNao - 0
CADCD To ROSBag (Announcement)
#39 opened by ZiadElmassik - 3
- 1
Annotation classes
#38 opened by rose-jinyang - 1
CADCD to KITTI Script (Announcement)
#36 opened by ZiadElmassik - 3
- 1
Anchor size in the config file
#34 opened by Blade6570 - 1
Can someone share the script to convert 3d to 2d annotations on the issue 21th?
#32 opened by CZCS001 - 18
Axes Orientation
#21 opened by ZiadElmassik - 0
cadc for MMdetection3d
#33 opened by minwang-ai - 6
Lidar Camera Synchronization
#30 opened by Ahnassef - 10
Very low AP with OpenPCDet cadc_support branch
#31 opened by Blade6570 - 4
Error when running
#13 opened by ZiadElmassik - 1
- 0
LiDAR Point Cloud Ordering
#26 opened by qifang-robotics - 1
- 7
- 3
#25 opened by mouradkenk - 4
Snow Points Removed Details
#24 opened by MartinHahner - 4 did not work
#23 opened by CZCS001 - 3
Labels within camera 00
#22 opened by ZiadElmassik - 12
- 13
- 2
Support for non-nested/non recursive download and other options in
#18 opened by rvalienter90 - 4
train/val/test splits
#15 opened by MartinHahner - 6
- 3
- 2
- 6
How to convert to ROSBag?
#14 opened by ZiadElmassik - 1
Error while downloading
#12 opened by FirasAbdennadher - 4
- 1
Can'f find annotations file
#10 opened by cygerts - 0
- 4
Dataset server down
#7 opened by Lehdari - 1
- 1
- 0
- 3
[Question] Win7 PermissionError: [WinError 32] The process cannot access the file...
#3 opened by jayhsu0627 - 1