- armishBedford, MA
- ashumeowMiddle East
- BERENZPoznan University of Economics and Business
- dgrtwoHeap
- fdhidalgo
- fghjorthUniversity of Copenhagen
- fjuniorr
- fsoltUniversity of Iowa
- jennybc@posit-pbc
- jerheffWinston Salem NC
- karthik@ucberkeley
- leondutoitUniversity of Oslo
- LewBurtonAmherst, MA
- lolow@CMCC-Foundation
- matthieugomezColumbia University
- michburBiałystok, Poland
- nutterbBattelle Memorial Institute
- PatrickJohnstonPittsburgh, PA
- paulhendricks@NVIDIA
- reinholdssonStockholm, Sweden
- rparrish
- sam217paLBBE
- SantoshSrinivas79
- seaskyshy
- sjackman@10xGenomics
- sjspielman@AlexsLemonade
- slowkowMass General Brigham
- soodoku
- standageFrederick, MD
- steadyfish
- stopcontrol
- timelyportfolioavailable
- tjmahrMadison, WI
- woobeDatapane
- yanlesinVictoria, BC, Canada