Awesome Unity Open Source on GitHub (800+)
A categorized collection of awesome Unity open source on GitHub.
- SkyboxPlus - Basic skybox extensions
- SIGExam - Correction of a Shader Exam
- ShaderProject - A container for all sorts of handy shaders
- Shaders - A collection of shaders written in CG/ShaderLab
- Cubeds-Unity-Shaders - A compilation of custom shaders
- UnityEffects - A collection of video game effects recreated in Unity
- Unity-Shaders - Unity project about reseach on shaders and particle system
- UnitySpecialEffectWithDepth - RenderDepthMap, ScannerEffect, XrayEffect, ForceFieldEffect
Post Effect
- PixelVision - Pixel effect LUT
- RasterEffects - Image Effects
- Shaders - Exploration of shaders
- KinoBinary - Binary image effect
- AsciiArtFx - ASCII art image effect
- UnityWhiteBalance - White Balance
- KinoSlitscan - Slit-scan image effect
- ASCII-Shader - An ASCII camera effect
- 2D-UI-Shader - UI and 2D Shader Unity
- Unity_StarGlow - Simple star-glow effect
- Analog_Pixelate - Pixelation image effect
- UnityImageEffects - Post Processing Effects
- unityglitch - Glitch post-processing shader
- LightLeaksUnity - Light Leaks Image Effects
- unity-lens-flare-1 - Lens flare image effect
- UnityHSVColorModifier - HSV Color Modifier
- Unity_Image_Flash_Effect - Image Flash Effect
- unity-pixelShader - pixel image effect shader
- unity-image-processing - Image effect samples
- KinoFringe - Chromatic aberration image effect
- PhotoMosaic - Photographic mosaic image effect
- Retro-Image-Effects - A collection of image effects
- UnityAsciiArtEffect - Ascii Art Image Effect for Unit3d
- CollectionOfUnityShader - Collection of Unity Shader
- UnityScanlinesEffect - A simple scanlines image effect
- Image-Effects-for-Unity - A collection of image effects
- Unity3d-distortionImageEffect - Distortion Image Effect
- DynamicCentralLineCamera - Dynamic Central Line Camera
- KinoTube - An image effect simulating analog video artifacts
- ImageEffectLab - This is my unity shader experimental project
- ColorSpread - color spreading post-processing effect in Unity
- UnityShaderEffect - Some basic unity shaders for image/ video effect
- UnityUVCheckerImageEffect - Display UV Check pattern of image effect
- ImageEffectGraph - Image effects for post processing stack created with shader graph
- unity-postprocessing-old-monitor-shader - Camera effect for use PostProcessingStackV2
- Unity-PostProV2-User-LUT-And-Z-Grading - Z-Based Color Grading and Separate User LUT
- ClearFlagsMobile - A Unity Image Effect to reproduce the Clear Flags camera effect for mobile
- PixelBaseOutlinePostProcessing - use some unity graphic API to display outline post processing
- XELF.Hexelate.Shader - Hexelation Shader is an image effect Screen will be filtered by hexagonal grids
- FastPostProcessing - A small and fast post processing stack (only one pass) targeting mobile and mobile VR
- EdgeDetect-PostProcessingUnity - Unity legacy Edge Detect image effect ported to Post Processing Stack v2
- Heatwave - A simple post-processing effect for the Unity game engine which renders small-scale distortions
- Unity-Outline - Model effects
- globaloutline - Global Outline
- UnityFx.Outline - Screen-space outlines
- UnityOutline - Unity Ouline by post effect
- Facepunch.Highlight - Mesh outline effect
- OutLine_Geometry - VFX using Outline And Geometry
- UnityOutlineShader - Source code for Outline Shader tutorial
- UltimateOutline - The easiest way to achieve outlines in unity
- QuickOutline - Unity asset for adding outlines to game objects
- UnityOutlineFX - Implementation of Unity's Editor outline for runtime
- marching-ants-outline.shader - Unity Marching Ants Sprite Outline Shader
- Outline-Effect-but-its-faster - a fork of Outline Effect with improved performance
- unity-mesh-outline - Unity Package for rendering outlines around meshes/objects
- WaterColorFilter - Water Color Filter
- unity-water-shader2d - A 2D water shader
- Unity-WaterBuoyancy - Water Buoyancy Simulation
- Phillips-Ocean - A ocean using Phillips spectrum in Unity
- UnityWaveEquation - Caustics under surface of the water
- ToonWaterShader - Source code for Toon Water Shader tutorial
- crest-oceanrender - An advanced ocean system implemented in Unity3D
- water-demo - A port of Evan Wallace's "Water Demo" for WebGL to Unity
- UnityWaterSurface - Water Surface Simulation using CutomRenderTexture
- water2d-unity - A simple shader example of a water surface with reflection in 2D
- Ocean_Community_Next_Gen - Next gen iteration of the unity community ocean shader
Low Poly
- Lowpoly-Water-Unity - Low poly water with edge/shore blend
- LowPolyShaders - Unity shaders optimized for Low Poly models
- unity-lowpoly-shader - Unity Shader for mesh rendering in lowpoly style
- LowPolyWater - Water rending with sum of sines on with low poly style through flat shading
- LowPolyWater - Unity project that allows creating low poly style planes with water wave effect
- SmokeBlur - Smoke Blur
- Super-Blur - Screen and UI gaussian blur
- Unity3D-Blur - Gaussian and kawase blur
- UnityFluid2DBlurImageEffect - Fluid2D Blur Post Processing Effect
- unity-metaball - Unity Metaball Effect
- 2DMetaballs - A 2D metaballs implementation
- Unity_Metaball2DShader - Draw 2D meta-ball with fragment shader
- Unity-Metaballs-2D - Implementation of 2D Metaballs with marching squares
- ShaderGraphExamples - Simple examples of Unity shader graphs
- unity-shadergraph-sandbox - Collection of ShaderGraph examples
- ShaderGraph_ExampleLibrary - A library of Shaders created using Unity's Shader Graph
- unity-wireframe - General purpose wireframe shaders
- Wireframe-Shader - A wireframe material in Unity using the geometry shader
- UnityWireframeRenderer - Get a beautiful cross-platform wireframe renderer for your meshes with one click
- NPR_Lab - Test some NPR
- HatchingShader - Hatching Shader
- PencilSketchEffect - Real Time Hatching
- Hologram.shader - Simple hologram shader
- HologramShader - Test of an hologram material made
- HoloShield - Highly customizable sci-fi shield / force field shader
- unity-voxel - Mesh voxelization
- Mesh-Voxelization - Mesh voxelization
- unity-voxelizer - Utility library to voxelize meshes
- KvantGrass - Animating grass shader
- ProceduralGrass - Procedural, Dynamic Grass Shader
- UnityGrassGeometryShader - Source code for Grass Shader tutorial
- KinoBloom - Bloom effect
- unity-mask-bloom - Mask by alpha channel bloom effect
- Unity-Fast-Bloom - Probably the fastest bloom implementation
- PortalFX - Portal FX
- Unity-Portals - Portals by not using RenderTextures
- unity-portal-rendering - Super small example of using offscreen render targets to achieve a portal effect
- VerticalDissolve - Procedural vertical dissolve shader.
- SphereDissolve - Customizable procedural spherical dissolve shader.
- RetroSuite3D - Some image effects and shaders to achieve a retro look in Unity
- RetroTVFX - A small collection of shaders for a range of authentic old TV effects
- unity-mesh-builder - Primitive mesh builder
- unity-triangulation2D - Ruppert's Delaunay Refinement Algorithm
- UnityDitheredShadows - Unity Shadow Dithering
- PlannarShadowForUnity - Planar Shadow is very cheap and useful for mobile games
- SoftBodyDemo - A demo of soft body physics
- Unity-JellyBody - JellyBody shader,vertex replacement
- unity-standard-shader-mobile - Mobile optimised shader
- Unity-OptimalUnlitShader - An unlit uber-shader covering all the common use cases
- NoiseBall - Mesh deforming shader example
- NoiseRings - NoiseRings is a noisy emanating ring effect
Force Field
- ForceFieldFX - Force Field FX
- Force-Field - Project files for our tutorial on how to make a Force Field in Unity using Shader Graph
- DebugGPU - A debug tool to optimize mipmap and overdraw for unity project
Code Edior
- language-shadercode - HLSL, UDF, GLSL and CG syntax highlighting
- Unity3D-Shader - Adds Syntax Highlighting .shader files to Sublime Text
- unity-shader-files - Adds syntax coloring to Unity 3D ShaderLab .shader files
- ShaderlabVS - ShaderlabVS is a Visual Studio plugin for Unity Shaderlab programming
- unity_shader_st3 - A sublime text plugin which aim at boosting happiness when editing Unity Shader
- SonarFx - Sonar effect
- SnowTrail - Snow Trail
- DarkMatterShader - VFX
- colorgrade - Color Grading
- KinoFog - Global fog effect
- VolumeCloud - Volume cloud
- KinoContour - Contour line filter
- RainDropEffect - Rain Drop Effect
- SpektrLightning - Lightning effect
- FlipBook - Flip book effect example
- ShaderTutorials - unity shader tutorials
- UnityVertexColors - Unity Vertex Colors
- RippleEffect - Water surface ripple effect
- OIT_Lab - Order-independent Transparent
- 2DShadow - 2D Visibility / Shadow casting
- FakeVolumetricLight - FakeVolumetricLight
- ShaderGum - Unity3D GPU Sculpt & Morph
- OneBitGraphicShader - 1 bit graphic shader
- unity-grabsquares-effect - GrabSquares Effect
- KinoMirror - Mirroring and kaleidoscope effect
- DelaunayTriangulation - Delaunay Triangulation
- Unity-Shaders - Some custom 3D/2D shaders
- unity-abstract-wire - Unity Abstract Wires Effect
- Pixel-Burn-Effect - Pixel Burn shader effects made
- ShaderMan - Convert ShaderToy to Unity HLSL/CG
- UnityMaskShader - Mask shader for installation apps
- unity-frosted-glass - Test of a frosted glass material
- HelpfulScripts - A collection of random, useful scripts
- TexturePanner - This shader is a glorified texture panner
- SinewaveShapeDistortion - A Screen space distortion effect
- VolumetricLinesUnity - Source of the Volumetric Lines Asset
- Unity-CustomMipMaps - A custom mipmaps texture importer
- Arktoon-Shaders - Alternative Unity shaders made by synqark
- unity-sunburst-effects - Sunburst effects with mesh animation
- fun-frag-shaders - Fun fragment shaders you can use in Unity
- KinoFeedback - Oldskool frame buffer feedback effect for Unity
- 2DFieldOfViewVisualization - A 2D field of view implementation
- VideoPlayerEffects - Experimental special effects for VideoPlayer
- unity3d-dissolve-shader - Dissolve by Distance & Dissolve by Height
- unity-shaderfog-example - An example of HLSL fog and surface shader fog
- UnityShaderCheatsheet - Collection of Unity shader copypastas and gotchas
- unity-moveable-linerenderer - Unity LineRenderers with the simple turbulence
- DemkeysUnityShaders - Unity shaders made for various purposes, written in Cg/HLSL
- Rimlight - Customizable rimlight shader for Unity that includes pulsation and noise scrolling
- unity-cellular-automaton-based-ink-simulation - 2D Cellular automaton based ink simulation
- UnityFlatShading - Get a flat look for your models with one click, without touching your mesh
- ToonShading - A collection of "Toon" shaders for Unity based on a stepped PBR approximation
- unity-surfaceshader-flipbook - Surface shaders with flipbook / spritesheet animation functionality
- Unity-Colour-Skybox - remaking the old unity procedural skybox that was in the beta version ages ago
- unity-dithered-transparency-shader - Unity material and shader for applying clipped, dithered transparency
- UnityGradientBackground - Get a beautiful background gradient just by adding a simple script to your camera
- DepthInverseProjection - An example showing how to inverse-project depth samples into the view/world space
- WavTexture - A Unity example showing how to bake a waveform of an audio clip into a texture and use it in a shader
Editor Extensions
Scene View
- NormalsVisualizer.cs - Normals Visualizer
- UnitySmoothEditorCamera - Smooth Scene View camera motion
- UnityGridFramework - Open source Grid Framework for creating grid-based levels easily
- UnitySceneViewFovControl - Unity Editor Extension which enables controlling Scene View's FoV
- SceneShotBookmarks - Unity custom editor for bookmarking Scene View camera angles/settings
- SceneViewUIOverlay.cs - Unity editor extension to display a zoom indicator over the 2D scene view
- Unity3D-HighlightHelper - to see which objects you are hovering over in the Unity3D hierarchy pane
- Arrows2DMovement.cs - To precisely move, rotate and scale GameObjects on a 2D scene, using the arrow keys
- SceneHistoryWidget.cs - Drop this into an Editor folder in your project to add a history widget to your scene view
- HierarchyCustomiser - Customise the Unity Hierarchy panel
- Unity-HierarchyTools - Some simple tools for Unity hierarchy
- CategoryTool - Unity Editor tool to create Categories in the Hierarchy
- Folders - Adding folders and notes to create a more modern workflow
- EditorSceneActiveSwitcher-Unity - Load and unload scenes with a one click
- hierarchy-icons - Unity extension to show component icons in the Hierarchy
- Unity-HierarchyHelper - The fastest way to create Unity Hierarchy GUI items ever
- EditorGUIHierarchyView - Easily add a Hierarchy view (like Unity's scene view) to your Editor UI
- Unity Hierarchy Menu Customizer - Customize the menu that appears when you right-click on Hierarchy
Project View
- SearchTools - Search Tools In Unity
- ProjectPaneExtensions.cs - Add extensions
- unity3d-rainbow-folders - Allows you to set custom icons for any folder in unity project browser
- CustomInspectorCreator.cs - Adds a tool to automagically generate boilerplate custom inspector code
- Unity Project Window Menu Customizer - Customize the menu that appears when you right-click on Project view
- one-line - One line property drawer
- ShaderInspector - Shader GUI extensions
- Unity-Game-Framwork - unity script share
- RectTransformEditor - Custom RectTransform Editor
- MyBox - MyBox is a set of attributes, tools and extensions
- ExtendedTransformEditor - A clutterless custom Transform editor
- Unity-Reorderable-List - Extended version of the Reorderable List
- uni-transform-inspector - Add reset button to transform inspector
- Unity-Reorderable-List - Extended version of the Reorderable List
- LeftToggleAttributeDrawerUnity - This is a custom attribute drawer
- AnimationClipInspectorExtension - AnimationClip inspector extension
- Unity-Scene-Field - Allows directly assigning scenes in the Inspector
- TrafficLightAttribute.cs - TrafficLight control/layout/property drawer
- RectTransform-Inspector-Extensions - RectTransform Inspector Extensions
- InspectorFoldoutGroup - Group variables in Unity 3d inspector with style
- SceneObject.cs - Unity scene object to easily assign scenes in the inspector
- Unity3d-Tags-Filters - Extending a Unity3d Inspector window to show int tags
- UnityEditorJunkie - Editor scripts to make working with the Unity Editor better
- UnityEditorJunkie - Editor scripts to make working with the Unity Editor better
- UnityExtensions.InspectInline - Enables you to inspect and edit object references
- AssetPathAttribute - Allow you to have drag and drop asset references in the inspector
- AnimationCurveCopyPaste - Add copy-paste functionality to Unity's AnimationCurve fields
- UnityMaterialInstancedPropertiesEditor - Generic editor for instanced properties in Unity materials.
- UnityEventDrawerEx - This plugin extends the UnityEventDrawer to display runtime calls in the inspector
- Texture3DPreview-for-Unity - Enables interactive previews of Texture3D assets in Unity's Inspector window
- guid-based-reference - Giving Game Objects a GUID and a class to create references to objects in any Scene by GUID
- unity-scene-reference - Wrapper class that uses ISerializationCallbackReceiver and a custom PropertyDrawer to provide safe
Game View
- unity-GameViewSizeHelper - Game View Size Helper
- GameViewSizeSettings - Easily register, delete and change GameViewSize
- NaughtyAttributes - Attribute Extensions for Unity
- HighlightAttribute.cs - Add some color to you inspectors
- Stackable-Decorator - Stackable decorator for property drawer
- UnityNonNull - NonNull attribute to fields and classes in Unity
- EmbeddedInspectorAttribute.cs - Embedded Inspector Attribute
- UnityGetComponentAutoInjector - Unity GetComponent Auto Injector
- OpenWatcher - Check your field or property value at runtime in game view
- DisplayInspector-Attribute - Attribute to display one Inspector inside another
- EssentialEditor - Exposes properties and methods of MonoBehaviour to inspector
- Unity3D-ExecutionOrderAttribute - An attribute that sets a script's execution order
- StatsBarAttribute.cs - Add a StatsBar attribute to a property to make it draw a lil bar
- ReorderableInspector - Automatic reorderable lists for Unity game engine components
- unity-forge-property-drawers - Custom propery drawers to ease fields value management
- Unity3D_PropertyDrawer_AudioClip - Draws a play button and waveform preview for serialized AudioClip fields
Editor Window
- Unity-RegexTool - Regex tool
- UnityRenameTool - Rename tool
- USubWindow - Multiple sub window
- SceneHistory-Unity - Scene history manager
- Render-Queue - Render Queue Unity Extension
- WebViewHook - Exposed Unity Editor WebView API
- unity-customizable-toolbar-v2 - Customizable toolbar
- presets-browser - Unity presets browser editor window
- devTools-playerPreferencesEditor - Player preferences editor
- unity-autocomplete-search-field - Search field with Autocomplete
- EditorGUISplitView - A split view to be used in Unity Editor Windows
- LayerManager - A simple tool for reordering, merging and modifying unity layers
- UnityProjectBrowserHistory - Back and forward buttons for the Unity project browser
- asset-store-support-window - A support window template for publishers of the Unity Asset Store
- scripts-manager-unity3d - Gives the list of scripts in the current scene with gameobject reference
- Deeplicate.unity - Deep copy
- Assets2Packages - Assets to Packages
- ileDownloadWindow.cs - Download Window
- UnityForceDirty - Marks target object as dirty
- EmptyFolderDeleter.cs - Empty Folder Deleter
- Unity-AssetStoreImporter - Import UnityPackage
- AssetAuditor - Tools to control the asset import settings
- AutoSaveScene - Auto saving scene & minimizing lost work
- CustomAssetImporter - Set asset's import settings automatically
- UnityBulkConverter - library and samples for converting each assets
- Unity-LayoutExporter - Tool to import/export Unity layout settings(.wlt)
- BuildSceneProcessor.cs - Automatically add a scene to your Build Settings
Hot Key
- PreviousNextSelection - My Miscellaneous Derivative
- AnimatorTransitionShortcuts - Animator Transition Shortcuts
- UniPrep - Includes hotkeys, C# extensions, utilities and more
- UnityShortcutKeyPlus - Editor extension that adds 13 shortcut keys
- selection-history-navigator - To navigate between object selections
- Unity-Hotkeys - Additional unity hotkeys as Lock Inspector and Clear Console
- UnityExtensions.SelectionHistory - "Edit/Selection/Back", "Edit/Selection/Forward"
- UnityEditorSnippets - Collection of different editor things that help with productivity
- PivotUtilities.cs - Pivot Utilities
- EasyScriptTester - Easy Script Tester
- create-empty-at-zero-position - Create empty at zero position
- Unity-Random-Duplicate - Useful when creating/designing levels by hand
- unity_duplicate_special - Duplicates objects in a fashion similar to Blender's Array Modifier
- unity-mulligan-renamer - Allows for quick and safe renaming of many assets and gameobjects at once
- Favourites - Favourites Panel
- Unity-AssetBookmarker - Asset bookmarker
- Unity-WebBookmarker - Tool to bookmark URL
- scene-view-bookmarks - Bookmark scene views
- ScenePanel - Display all the scenes in the project and more.
- bookmark-everything - Add bookmarks to your project files so you can reach them easily
- EditorIconViewer.cs - Editor icon viewer
- - List of GUIStyle
- UnityTextureExporter - Export procedural or hidden textures to .png files
- unity-editor-icons - Icons what can load using EditorGUIUtility.IconContent
- SaveEditorDefaultResources.cs - Snippet to export Unity Editor Assets for inspection
- PrefabEditor - You can edit Prefab
- EditPrefab.cs - Better editing of prefabs
- Unity3D-PrefabEditor - Edit prefabs on separate scene.
- unity-prefab-quickadd - Quickly adding prefabs to the scene by creating shortcuts in the Hierarchy right-click menu
Project Settings
- pump-editor - Collection of Unity editor helpers to boost productivity
- project-settings-toolbar - A tool bar that can open each item of Project Settings
- Unity-Frequent-Settings-Shortcut - Adding the Project Settings tab to the menu bar
- Unity-Project-Settings-in-a-New-Window - Menu shortcuts for opening Unity project settings in a window
- ModifyEditorStyle - Change fonts throughout Unity editor
- UnityDarkSkin - Switching layout theme in Unity Editor (light -> dark)
- UnityEditorHelper - An organized bunch of scripts to make editor scripting in Unity easier
- unity-themes - Provides the Unity Editor with adjustable, hot-swappable GUI themes across all elements
- DTCommandPalette - Command palette for Unity
- Unity3D-QuickSearch - A Command Palette for Unity
- unity-editor-spotlight - MacOS-like Spotlight file search
- unity-shell - Write and execute code in an intuitive "shell" with autocompletion
- EdNotes - Attach notes to objects
- AssetMessenger - Add comments to assets
- NotepadToolUnity - Take your notes without leaving Unity
- UNotes - Brings the power of sticky notes to your workflow
- uni-symbol - Easily define symbols
- SymbolCatalog - Edit script symbol define
- Better-Defines - An easy and elegant way to manage your preprocessor directives
- UnityExtensions.EditorCoroutine - Easy to run coroutines from editor code.
- EditorCoroutineRunner.cs - Run stuff in the editor with all the convenience of co-routines
- UnityTile3D - Simple 3D Tile Editor
- SuperTiled2Unity - Imports Tiled files to Unity
3D Model
- UnityFBXExporter - Export any Unity GameObject into a FBX ASCII format
- ExportSceneToObj - Export scene (including objects and terrain ) or fbx to .obj file
- unity-colourlovers-importer - Load colours and palettes directly from
- wakatime-unity - WakaTime Unity plugin
- field-monitor - Field and property viewer
- EditorExtensions - Editor extension samples
- texture-tree-view-sample - Tree view sample
- NuGetForUnity - A NuGet Package Manager
- UnityProfilerIntervalSave - Save profiler log
- demilib - A library of various utilities and tools
- OnionRingUnity - Auto 9 slice sprite generator
- CompileTime.cs - Unity Measure Compile Time
- t4-templates-unity3d - T4 Text Template Processor
- PerfAssist - Various performance-related components
- Apkd.UnityDemystifier - Improved stack trace display
- Screen-Shooter - Creating screenshots at any resolution
- UnityGuidRegenerator.cs - Unity asset GUIDs regenerator
- Unity-Component-Helper - Component Cut/Copy/Paste helper
- UpmGitExtension - Git extension for Unity Package Manager
- ScriptFinder - Find script references within your project in seconds
- uni-gist - Editor extension that lets you post scripts to Gist from Unity
- Unity Package Asset Deleter - Delete assets added with .unitypackage
- unity-regex-builder - A simple regular expression evaluator inside Unity
- EditorCollapseAll.cs - Collapse all GameObject's or to collapse all folders
- UnityElevatorCompiler - Plays elevator music while Unity compiles your code
- unity-toolbar-extender - Extend the Unity Toolbar with your own Editor UI code
- unity-customizable-toolbar - Customizable toolbar available in the Unity editor
- unity-build - A powerful automation tool for quickly and easily generating builds
- Unity-Slngen - Adds additional solution configurations to generated .sln/.csproj files
- Unity3D-Editor-Extensions-and-Tools - Some Basic Unity3D Editor Extensions and Tools
- Unity-Animation-Hierarchy-Editor - This utility will help you refactor your Unity animations
- Unity-Utilities - Place to dump utilities that can range from completely useless to quite useful
- unity-open-asset-customizer - Editor extension that you can set the application that opens the file
- UnityMarkdeepViewer - Allowing to display Markdown, markdeep and HMTL directly inside the Unity Editor
- Unity Assembly Definition Debugger.cs - Find out what assemblies are being built and how long each takes
- unity-compile-before-play - Add this script to compile your scripts automatically before entering play mode
- VikingReSize - Analyzes your project and displays how much space files take up specified by custom categories
- Unity-EdgeCollider2D-to-PolygonCollider2D- - Editor tool which converts EdgeCollider2D to PolygonCollider2D
- unity-compile-in-background - Start compiling without having to return focus to the Unity editor after changing the script
Shader Collection
- UGUIEffect - uGUI Effect
- EffectShader - Effect collection
- UIEffect - An effect component for uGUI element
- unity-ugui-posteffect - UI posteffect shader repository
- UIAndShader - Some Unity UI components and shaders
- Sprite-Postprocessing-Tool-Unity - The post processing plugin
- Hue - Hue shader
- UGUI-Effect - uGUI Effect
- GlowImage - Glow image
- Gradient.cs - Gradient shader
- UGUIExtend - uGUI extension
- ShinyEffectForUGUI - Shiny effect
- BlurringAtlasForUGUI - Blur effect
- DissolveEffectForUGUI - Dissolve effect
- uGUI-Effect-Tool - Vertex color UI Effect
- unity-vertex-effects - Beautiful text outline
- Unity-UIGradient - UI gradient effect script
- StaticBluredScreen - Non-realtime screen blur
- BluredUGUI - Blured uGUI background sample
- UI_Color_Blend_example - Color blend example
- MirrorReflectionEffectForUGUI - Simple mirror reflection effect
- UnityRoundedShader - Rounded rectangle, circle, ellipse shaders
- Unity-UI-Rounded-Corners - Allows you to add rounded corners to UI elements
- UIFlippable.cs - UI flip
- UniGif - GIF image decoder
- BookUI4Unity - Make books
- RadialSlider.cs - Radial slider
- CutoutImage - Cutout image
- UnityCodes - UI Components
- CurlyUI - Curls UIs. With CurlyUI
- NicerOutline.cs - Beautiful outline
- UnityUIExtention - Unity UI Extention
- WDataTable - A data form component
- Unity-RuntimeLightEditor - Light editor
- UnitySimpleFileBrowser - Runtime file browser
- Canvas-Element-3D - Scales meshes to fit in a UI Rect
- WChatPanel - A chat panel UI component such as wechat
- ugui-animated-progressbar - A progress bar with animation
- RadialProgressBar - Customizable radial progress bar shader
- unity-ugui-XCharts - A charting and data visualization library
- MaterialUI - UI kit that follows Google's official material design guidelines.
- ParticleEffectForUGUI - Provide a component to render particle effect for uGUI
- TextEllipsis - Text ellipsis
- CurvedText.cs - Curved text
- UGUI_Extensions - uGUI Extension
- unity-text-typer - Text typing effect
- EmojiText - EmojiText solution for UI
- uGUI-Hypertext - Hypertext for uGUI
- HyphenationJpn_uGUI - Hyphenation
- Unity3D.EmojiText - EmojiText in Unity3D
- Text-Juicer - Create awesome text animations
- TextShaderAnimation - Text shader animation
- YLYRichText - a feature-rich, easy to use unity rich text plugin
- TextFader - Add a char-by-char fade in animation to your texts
- collider-visualizer - Collider visualizer
- consolation - In-game debug console
- runtime-object-editor - Runtime object
- unity-uitest - UI Test Automation Framework
- UnityDebugConsole - In-game debug consol
- RuntimeEditor - A reflection of Unity Editor UI that works within a built player.e editor
- UnityIngameDebugConsole - A uGUI based console to see debug messages and execute commands
- UnityRuntimeInspector - Runtime Inspector and Hierarchy solution for debugging and runtime editing purposes
- RadialLayout.cs - Radial layout
- CurvedLayout.cs - Curved layout
- HexGridLayout.cs - Hex grid layout
- uGUI-Circle-Layout-Group - Circle layout group
- Unity-VariableTileLayout - Tile layout like Pinterenst
- Unity-SwipeableView - Implementing swipe views like Tinder
- ScrollSnap - Scroll Snapping
- Unity-PullToRefresh - Pull to refresh
- EnhancedScrollView - Cool 3d scoll view
- Variable-infinite-scroll - Variable infinite scroll
- Unity-Fantastic-Gallery - A beautiful UI gallery
- FancyScrollView - Can implement highly flexible animation
- LoopScrollRect - Reusing cells, to improve performance, loading time and draw calls
- UISoftMask - Soft mask
- GuideMask - Like tutorial
- SoftMaskForUGUI - Soft masking
- CutOutGraphic - Can cut out a hole
- unity-ui-image-alphamask - Alpha mask
- UnmaskForUGUI - Reverse mask for uGUI element
- UIGraphicAPI - A drawing API
- ui-shapes-kit - procedural shapes
- Unity-UI-Polygon - Polygon renderer
- CircleGraphic.cs - Create circles/ellipses
- shapes2d - Make simple art assets quickly
- GradientGraphic.cs - Create 4-color gradient UI graphics
Color Picker
- UnityColor - Color picker
- cui_color_picker - Color Picker
- HSV-Color-Picker-Unity - HSV color picker
- UnityColorPicker - A standalone color picker asset
- UITransition - Transition
- CompositeToggle - Composite toggle system
- sprite-atlas-name-creator - Create a class that can get sprite included in SpriteAtlas by property instead of string
iPhone X / XS
- NotchSolution - Solve notched/cutout phones layout problems
- Unity-SafeAreaCanvas - Adjusting the size automatically and preview in Editor
- iPhoneX-overlay - Unity Editor utility which masks the game view with the shape of an iPhone X
Radar Chart
- RadarChart - Radar chart
- PolygonalUI - Radar chart
- unity-radarchart - Radar chart
- FadeCamera2 - Fade camera
- Unity-UiFaderPro - Make fading in and out chunks of U
- TransitionKit - Modular, extensible transitions in scene and between scenes
Editor Extensions
- UnityOptimizeTool - Unity editor optimize tool
- ugui-toorbar - A toolbar that can create uGUI objects
- AtlasImage - AtlasImage is a graphic component use SpriteAtlas for uGUI
- ButtonEx - Extended button
- unity-minimap - Minimap
- menu-circular - Circle menu
- lomenui - Stylish UI package
- SamplePinchScaling - Pinch scaling
- Unity-SimpleSpeechBubble - Simple UGUI SpeechBubble
- Ease - Simple Unity3D Easing
- UniTween - Tween framework
- GoKit - Lightweight tween library
- AnimeTask - Task Animation Library
- Easing - Simple easing and tweening library
- EasingCore - Simple easing implementation
- UrMotion - Flexible motion engine for non time-based animation
- Unity.Library.eppz_easing - Easing algorithms with explanations / testbed
- EasingFunction-Unity - Implementation of Easing Functions within unity in c#
- dotween-configs - Configs to setup DOTween's tween parameters via Unity editor
- Unity-EasingLibraryVisualisation - Front end visualisation of 40 common easing equations
- interpolations - Lightweight library for smoothing movements and value progressions in code
- Boom.unity - Destruction effect
- Deform - A fully-featured deformer system
- 3DPainterFramework - 3D painter framework
- EzySlice - An open source mesh slicer framework
- Destructible-Walls - Demo showcasing destructible walls
- UnityShapes - Draw shapes (circle,line,arrow) with one line of code
- CurveModifier - Implementation of the curve modifier from Blender to Unity
- unity-subdivision-surface - Loop subdivision surface algorithm implementation
- unity-procedural-cables - Components for make procedural cables and curved shapes
- unity-delaunay - A Delaunay/Voronoi library for Unity, and a simple destruction effect
- UnityHexGrid - A hex grid generation tool
- unity-teddy - Teddy algorithm implementation
- unity-procedural-tree - Procedural tree builder
- unity-procedural-flower - Procedural flower generator
- unity-tetrahedron-tree - Generate triangle meshes in the shape of trees
- wavefunctioncollapse - Walk through an infinite, procedurally generated city
- unity-polygon-2d-editor - Uses the collider of a PolygonCollider2D to generate a mesh for a GameObject
- UnityRuntimePreviewGenerator - Generate preview textures (thumbnails) for your GameObject's or materials on the fly
Message Bus
- BasicEventBus - Basic event bus
- UniEventSystem - A generic Event-Bus
- Unibus - Unibus is event passing system
- klab-messagebuses-unity - Message bus
- signals - A typesafe, lightweight messaging lib
- unity-events - A code focused strongly typed event system with global system and per GameObject system
- Unity3d-Signals - Signals are in-memory publish/subscribe system and effectively replace Unity SendMessage
- MessageKit - Decoupled message sending system meant as a replacement for SendMessage and its variantslibrary
Extension Methods
- unity-utils - Different help scripts
- kogane-unity-lib - Extension methods
- Extensions_Math.cs - Extenhsions math
- unity-extensions - Useful extension methods
- UrFairy - C# extensions for Unity development
- CameraExtensions.cs - A better way of manipulating the culling mask
- ShaderRenderState.cs - Helpful extension methods to customize Unity's shaders render state from script
Character Controller
- CharacterController2D - Character Controller 2D
- SuperCharacterController - Unity custom character controller
- CharacterController2D - Prototype for a Unity CharacterController2D
- Unity-2D-Platformer-Controller - A customizable 2D platformer motor
- 2DCharacterControllerTutorial - Source code for 2D Character Controller tutorial
- GAutomator - Automation for mobile games
- uni-debug-menu - Customizable debug menu
- uni-simple-profiler - Simple profiler in the game
- UniDebugPanel - You can display customizable buttons for debugging in the game
- unity3d-runtime-debug-draw - single file debuging DrawLine/DrawText/etc that works in both Scene/Game view
Asset Bundle
- Autoya - thin framework
- xasset - Asset bundle manager
- EasyAssetBundle - AssetBundle Tool
- UnityPack - Python deserialization library for Asset format
- Unity-MultiProcess-BuildPipeline - multiprocess buildpipeline
- JoyconLib - Joy-Con library
- UnityRawInput - Windows Raw Input wrapper
- Unity-XboxCtrlrInput - Xbox 360 controller library
- InputBinder - Easily bind input events to methods
- MovableJoystick - Movable Joystick
- Simple_Joystick_Unity - A simple joystick
- UniJoystick - It is a powerful joystick component for UGUI.
- virtual-joystick-unity - Virtual Joystick for Mobile Devices with Unity
- Unity3D-Simple-Mobile-Joystick - Mobile Joystick suitable for any types of game
- unity-transform-control - Transform controller in Game View
- TransformLocker - Transform Locker Component(Position/Rotation/Scale Locked)
- Unity3DRuntimeTransformGizmo - A runtime transform gizmo similar to unitys editor
- Unity-Fade - ImageEffect of fade
- Unity3DBookPageCurl - Page curl effect using UGUI
- Unity_TransparentWindow - Make Unity's window transparent and overlay on desktop
- Trello-Cards-Unity - Create Trello cards from Unity games
- UniTrello - Simplified interfacing between Unity and Trello
- UTrelloFix - Creating Trello cards in your own boards from your Unity app
Async / Await
- UniTask - Provides an efficient async/await integration
- Unity3dAsyncAwaitUtil - A bunch of code to make using async-await easier
- Asyncoroutine - Asyncoroutine is a unity asset that allows you to use Coroutine and async/await together
- GodTouch - Touch system
- TouchScript - iOS, Android, Windows, TUIO
- TouchKit - Gestures and input handling made sane
- FastGizmosUnity - Set of gizmos utilities
- DrawGizmo - Display a gizmo on any GameObject
- GizmoExtensions - Utility class(es) that extend Unity's Gizmos
- GizmosPlus - A Unity Package that provides additional GIzmo shapes and tools
- UnityBezierSolution - A bezier spline solution
- unity-curve-utils - A utility that can use 18 kinds of curve algorithm
- Unity3D-Curves - 2D curves in polar and Cartesian coordinates, 3D curves
- OnDestroyCallback.cs - OnDestroy event
- Unity3D-ExtendedEvent - A UnityEvent replacement
- UnityAnimatorEvents - UnityEvents triggered by states inside an Animator
- Unity-MecanimEventSystem - Chain programming style callback System for Animator
Object Pooling
- RecyclerKit - Object pool manager
- prototype - Prototype component pattern
- WebGLInput - IME for Unity WebGL
- StackList - Stack list
- giles - A Runtime Level Editor
- UnityRandom - Random library
- GitHub for Unity - GitHub for Unity
- UnityFlashBitmap - Like flash bitmap
- Unidux - Redux Architecture for Unity
- Moments - A quick GIF replay recorder
- Unity-WinForms - A Windows Forms port
- UniMail - Send mail (with image) from unity
- PlayerPrefsTools.cs - Get all player prefs keys
- uni-deconstruction - Deconstruction for Unity
- Typogenic - Signed-distance field text rendering
- TeaTime - Fast & simple queue for timed callbacks
- Base-Helicopter-Controller - Base Helicopter Controller
- CoroutineHelper - The unity3d coroutine tool collections
- Unity_AutoHideCursor - Hide cursor while it keep stopping
- Unity3D-Python-Editor - Python editor based on IronPython
- unity-gb - Game Boy emulator for Unity using C# and Mono
- Unity-LineSegmentsIntersection - Line segments intersection
- Unity Scene Data Transfer - Easily pass data at scene transition
- UnityProminentColor - Tool to gather main colors of an image
- unity-movement-ai - A Unity library for common movement AI
- uni-web-view-margins-from-rect-transform - Web view margin
- UnityTextDrawer - Draw beautiful 3D texts with one line of code
- vector-graphics-samples - SVG and Vector Graphics Sample Project
- UniScript - Brings C# scripting into Unity which acts as native code
- Colors.cs - Trying to set Colours from code but need something better
- UnySplat - Splatoon-like painting in unity on any-shape mesh colliders
- Unity3d-Finite-State-Machine - An intuitive Unity3d finite state machine
- AnimatorParameterReference - Avoid string references for long term project
- Unity-Minimum-Window-Size - Set minimum window size for Windows build
- unity-immediate-color-picker - Color picker for Unity in immediate GUI mode
- UniLang - Translate text from one language to another using Google Translate
- InGameReplay - Allow you to record the transform of any objects to replay it
- UnityCoroutinesWithoutMonoBehaviours - Coroutines without MonoBehaviours
- Unity3D-IconManager - Allowing you to set icons for GameObjects through code
- Unity3D-ComponentAttribute - An attribute that let's you auto-load components
- UnityOrderedUpdate - Receive Update callback(s) from anywhere and in any order
- Mathd - The double type version of the Unity struct Vector,Quaternion and Matrix
- UnityStandaloneFileBrowser - A native file browser for unity standalone platforms
- SaveGameFree - A free and simple but powerful solution for saving and loading game data
- UniEnumExtension - Unity Editor Extension which lets enum-types be much faster & efficient
- Unity-Scene-Query - A library to traverse and query the Unity scene to find particular objects
- unity-command-controller - A simple library that can control commands to implement event scripts
- XRLineRenderer - Mimics rendering with 3d capsules while only using two quads worth of geometry
- UnityWebglResponsiveTemplate - A full-sized responsive minimal webgl template for your Unity projects
- vlc-unity - LibVLC plugin for Unity to integrate playback inside your Unity apps and games using LibVLCSharp
- Unity-Save-Play-Mode-Changes - Allowing changes made in play mode to be restored upon stopping the game
- smooth.foundations - Foundations for boosting productiviy and writing clean, maintainable, allocation-free code
- InstantiatePostProcessingProfile.cs - Use this class to dynamically instantiate the PostProcessingProfile at runtime
- unity-forge-anim-callbacks - Runtime callbacks for animation clips used in Animator and Animation components
- Unity-delayed-asset - Without automatically loading all the data referenced by the asset in memory when a scene is loaded
iOS / Android
- unity-webview - Web view
- UniClipboard20xx - Clipboard
- UniVersionManager - Version manager
- MemoryChecker-Unity - Memory checker
- unimgpicker - Image picker for iOS/Android
- UnityInitializeTimeChecker - Initialize timer
- simple-disk-utils - Disk/storage capacity check helper methods
- Unity-CrossPlatfromAPI - Provides a unified cross-platform API
- UnityMobileInput - Unity mobile Input plugin for iOS and Android
- UnityNativeEdit - Unity Native Input Plugin for both iOS and Android
- unity-android-notifications - Android local notifications with example project
- unity-share-plugin-ios-android - Share plugins for iOS and Android with sources
- PermissionPlugin - A set of tools to allow handling Permission for Android and iOS
- Unity-NativeAppstore - Allows opening of an app in the iOS and Android Appstore
- UnityNativeCamera - Take pictures/record videos with device camera on Android & iOS
- Unity Native Camera Plugin - Take pictures/record videos with device camera on Android & iOS
- MemoryInfoPlugin-for-Unity - A set of tools to allow handling memory info for Android and iOS
- SystemVolumePlugin-for-Unity - A set of tools to allow handling system volume for Android and iOS
- unity-native-sharing - Open native sharing dialogs on iOS and Android, primarily for sharing screenshots
- Unity Native Share Plugin -Natively share files (images, videos, documents, etc.) and/or plain text on Android & iOS
- UnityiOSStatusBar - Toggle iOS Status Bar Enabled
- UniSpeech - iOS speech framework native plugin for Unity
- LocalNotificationIOS - IOS local notification sample of unity
- UniIosAudioService - Unity iOS plugin JUST playing iOS system sound
- unity-ios-background-run - Little iOS plugin for Unity to work app in background
- Unity3D.UselessAttributeStripper - Useless attribute stripper for IL2CPPed executable
- Unity_iOSCameraPermission - Requestes iOS camera permission with a callback method
- UnityNativeGallery - A native Unity plugin to interact with Gallery/Photos on Android & iOS
- iPhoneX-overlay - Unity Editor utility which masks the game view with the shape of an iPhone X
- Unity.iOS.OnDemand - Useful to reduce iOS app size to ~70mb and compress your assets data using 7z
- AndroidNativePicker.cs - Date-Time picker
- uni-android-intent - extension "adb shell am start"
- ShowToastUnityAndroid.cs - Shows toast on Android
- UnityShowAndroidStatusBar - Show Android status bar
- Unity3D-LogCat-extension - Logcat (android logging) extension
- ECSBoids - Boids implemented
- ECS-Octree - Unity ECS based octree
- ECS2048 - 2048 like game using Unity's ECS
- Firefly - Unity ECS example for special effects
- Voxelman - Unity ECS + C# Job System example
- OSMTrafficSim - TrafficSim using Unity ECS 2019.1
- LuaECS - unity ecs framework implemented by Lua
- ECSPhysics - A physics engine made with Unity ECS
- Roll-A-Ball-ECS-style - Recreation of Unity Roll-A-Ball tutorial
- Endless Runner template for Unity - Runner template for Unity
- Svelto.ECS.Examples.Survival - Unity based example for Svelto ECS
- com.bovinelabs.entities - A collection of extensions, systems and jobs
- uSpringBone - High performance SpringBone using ECS and JobSystem
- Unity Boids Simulation - Simple Boids simulation example using Unity ECS
- LeoECS - eoECS is a fast ECS Framework powered by C# with optional integration
- Pure ECS Burst Job 2D Grid A* Pathfinding - ECS Burst Job System 2D Pathfinding
- ECS-Tween - Simple Unity tweening system using ECS that works with GameObject
- Survival Shooter ECS - A port of Unity's official Survival Shooter tutorial to the ECS
- Unity (ECS/Job System) SPH - Implementation of the SPH Algorithm (fluid simulation)
- Instanced Sprite Renderer for Unity's ECS - An example of a simple performant sprite renderer
- Unity integration for Entity Component System framework - UnityEditor integration for LeoECS
- Svelto Entity Component System 2.8 - Svelto ECS C# Lightweight Data Oriented ECS Framework
- SpriteSheetRenderer - A powerful Unity ECS system to render massive numbers of animated sprites
- EcsRx.Unity - A simple framework for unity using the ECS paradigm but with unirx for fully reactive systems
- Unity ECS with navmesh and MapBox - A demo implementation of Unity Entity Component System with NavMesh
- Sprites-Outline - Outline effect
- SpriteGlow - A sprite glow effect
- ShapeRenderer - Shape renderer
- SpriteOutline - SpriteOutline shader
- Sprites-PixelArt.shader - Pixel art shader
- SpriteShaderSample - Sprite shader sample
- NextGenSprites - Some sweet sprite shaders
- NextGenSprites - Some sweet sprite shaders
- Sprites-OutlineMeter.shader - Outline shader
- Unity-2D-Sprite-cast-and-receive-shadows - Shadow
- SpriteRecolourUnity - Demo project for spriterecolour
- hsva-unity - A Hue Saturation Value adjustment shader
- UnitySpriteShaders - An Uber Shader for rendering Sprites
- SpriteDicing - Unity extension for reusing sprite texture areas
- unity-2d-water - Simple water in Unity for 2D platform games
- PixelArtGen - A pixel art generator on a Unity custom inspector
- PixelSpriteGenerator-Unity - A port of the PixelSpriteGenerator
- unity-sprite-cutter - Simple solution for cutting sprites in runtime
- FogSprites - Modification of Unity's sprite shaders supporting Fog
- UnitySpriteFlash - Example project to show flash effect on Unity sprite
- SimpleSquashAndStretchMovement2D - Squash and stretch movement
- SpriteLightKit - Blended lighting system for Unity that works with standard Sprites
- SpriteProcessorScript - A short Unity editor script for importing and slicing sprite-sheets
- Unity-2D-Destruction - Breaking 2D sprites into fragments for awesome destruction effects
- RetroSpriteAnimator - Unity component for easily defining and playing 2D sprite animations in script
- SpritedowAnimator - Simple sprite animations avoiding the big and tedious Unity's Mechanim system
- ecs-instanced-sprite-renderer - An example of a simple performant sprite renderer using new ECS system
Static Code Analysis
- UnityEngineAnalyzer - Roslyn Analyzer
- scene-validation - A scene validator UI for unity
- AssetReferenceFinder.cs - Asset reference finder
- EmptyFunctionMonitor - Find empty unity event
- mooble - Static Analysis For Unity Scenes & Prefabs
- unity-stylecop-ignoreutility - StyleCop Ignore Utility
- sanity-checker - Automatically find missing references
- uni-common-test-runner - More than 20 generic tests
- Unity-SimpleReferenceFinder - Simple reference finder
- UnityHeapCrawler - Reflection based heap shapshot tool
- DTValidator - Tool for validating objects in the Unity Editor
- MissingReferencesUnity - Finding missing object references
- unity-notnullattribute - Attribute used to support workflows
- MissingScriptsFinder - Helps find objects with missing scripts
- ihaiu.GUIDRef - Check the asset reference relationship in the browser
- UnityEventVisualizer - A graph editor for viewing all UnityEvents at a glance
- UnityAssetUsageDetector - Find usages of the selected asset(s) and/or Object(s)
- DTUIRebuildVisualizer - Tool to visualize UI canvas rebuilds and create performant Unity UI
- Unity-Resource-Checker - Editor utility for unity to help check resources in the current scene
- unity-reference-checker - Checking unassigned references in MonoBehaviours at compile time
- FulldomeCameraForUnity - Fulldome Camera
- UnityFreeCam - A free moving camera system
- UnityPixelArtCamera - Easy pixel art camera rendering
- PixelCamera2D - A Pixel Perfect Camera for 2D Games
- Pixel-Perfect-Retro-Camera - Pixel perfect retro camera system
- UnityPixelCamera - A resolution independent pixel perfect camera
- Letterboxer - Easily add letterboxing or pillarboxing to your cameras
- unity-oblique-projection - Provides an oblique projection matrix for a camera
- CameraShake - An extensible, lightweight noise-based camera shake manager
- UnityCameraShake - Generates pseudo-random camera shake using Perlin noise
- Unity-Volumetric-Light - A powerful volumetric light plugin based on post-processing
- unity-camera-follow-2d - Script to make 2d camera follow players in an interesting way
- unity-camera-multi-target - Unity library to dynamically keep multiple objects in camera view
- PixelRenderUnity3D - PixelRender is a complete system for realtime rendering of 3D scenes as 2D pixel art
- Game-Eye-2D - A component based orthographic camera extension for unity that tracks 2D environments
- Unity-CameraSizeToVelocity2D - Simple script to change the cameras size depending on the velocity of the target
- DeadSimple-Pixel-Perfect-Camera - An exceedingly easy-to-use pixel perfect orthographic camera script for 2D scenes
- Jello-Physics - 2D Soft Body Physics
- unity-2d-water-effect - Water effect
- Unity3D_2DRopeEditor - 2D Rope Editor
- quickfracture - A unity destruction effect
- CarSimulator - A Top Down 2D Car Simulator
- SimpleMeshExploder - Simple mesh exploder
- AngryBirdsStyleGame - Angry Birds style game
- Unity-Physics - Cloth and Boids Implementation
- Custom-2D-Colliders - A set of custom 2D colliders
- unity-mesh-smoothing - Mesh smoothing algorithm
- Custom-Primitive-Colliders - Custom primitive colliders
- LiquidSimulator - Cellular Automaton 2D Liquid Simulator
- unity-verlet-simulator - Simple verlet integration simulator
- PBD-Fluid-in-Unity - A PBD fluid in unity running on the GPU
- ProjectileShooting - Draws out the projectile's expected trajectory
- Piranha - A very simple tool to make rigidbodies swarm a mesh in Unity
- Unity3d-QuadTree-Collision-Detection - QuadTree and Collision Detection Systems
TextMesh Pro
- TMProNonAllocUtil - Non gc alloc
- RTLTMPro - Right-To-Left Text Mesh Pro
- tmp-rule - Manage TextMesh Pro settings
- TMP_Typewriter - Typewriter for TextMesh Pro
- ShinyEffectForTMPro - shiny effect component
- DissolveEffectForTMPro - Dissolve effect component
- MeshEffectForTextMeshPro - Mesh effect components
- UnityTMProFontCustomizedCreater - Font atlas creator
- TMP_FontAssetUpdater - You can automatically update FontAsset
- TextMeshProReplacer - Tools to replace unity text with TextMeshPro
- CharTweener - DOTween extensions for tweening TextMeshPro characters
- TextMeshProButtonExtension - Add new context menu "UI/TextMeshPro - Button"
- TMP_RectVisualizer - The size of Text and TextMesh Pro can be visualized on game screen
- TMP_IntegerText.cs - Show numbers (int, float etc.) on TextMesh Pro texts without any garbage
- StringBuilderTemporary - C# string operation utility
- Relay - Fast, powerful, GC-friendly C# signals/events
- ProjectAuditor - An experimental static analysis tool
- FastString - Alternative to StringBuilder class for Unity games
- UnityHeapDump - Tool to dump memory to text files for inspection
- DTCompileTimeTracker - Unity editor extension which tracks compile time
- unitysizeexplorer - Visualize how much space each asset in your Unity game
- BetterDictionary - Better performance generic Dictionary and HashSet optimized
- graphy - Graphy is the ultimate, easy to use, feature packed FPS counter, stats monitor and debugger
- PolygonColliderSimplification - A set of scripts to reduce the complexity of Polygon2D and Edge Colliders
- MetaBalls - MetaBalls glory
- Fire-2D-in-Unity - Fire effect
- gpu-particles - A GPU Particle System
- BloodFx - Procedural blood stain shader
- Fragments - Fragment mesh objects for particle effects
- Flocking - This project is using Particles to simulate a flocking behavior
- Mobile-Particle-Add-Revised.shader - Revised version of Mobile/Particles/Additive shader
- UniBpmAnalyzer - BPM analyzer
- MusicEngine - make music synced game
- NoteEditor - Note editor for rhythm games
- unity-midi - Play MIDI (SMF) on Unity, using C# Synth Project
- unity-audio-spectrum - Provides spectrum data with audio output
- Unity-Beat-Detection - Musical beat detection and audio spectrum analysis
Reverse Engineering
- UABE - Unity Assets Bundle Extractor
- UtinyRipper - Tool for ripping assets from Engine resource files
- Il2CppDumper - Get types, methods, fields, etc. from Unity Il2Cpp binary file
- AssetStudio - AssetStudio is a tool for exploring, extracting and exporting assets and assetbundles
- Arcadia - Clojure in Unity
- UnityLauncher - Unity Version Launcher
- UnityHook - Platform to hook into Unity3D assemblies
- UnityPacker - Create unitypackages without unity, from command line
- tolua_runtime - tolua runtime library
- xLua - xLua is a lua programming solution for C#
- slua - Fastest lua binding via static code generating for Unity and mono
- LowPolyShapes - Low poly basic shape library
- superpowers-asset-packs - CC0-licensed asset packs for your games
- Excel4Unity - Excel for Unity
- Unity-QuickSheet - Enables you to use spreadsheet file data within Unity editor
- unity-git-hooks - Git hooks for Unity project
- Teleport - A fast, lightweight, pure C# Unity realtime-game-networking framework
Sample Project
- UnityBubbleGame - BubbleGame
- CubeWorld - Minecraft like game
- Voxelmetric2 - A voxel framework
- Marching-Cubes - Marching cubes
- MatchThreeGame - A match-3 game
- Othello - An Othello computer game
- Millenium - The Thousand-Year Door
- 2d-gamedemo-robodash - Robodash
- nodulus - Puzzle game with clever twists
- Galaxy - Demo of my planet movement 3C
- ParticleDecalDrawer - Particle decal drawer
- project-skylines - procedural retro 3d game
- FlappyBirdStyleGame - Flappy Bird style game
- unity-planetGravity - Mario Galaxy Style Gravity
- ProceduralToolkit - Procedural generation library
- 2d-techdemos - Tech Demos for Unity 2D Features
- unity-sketchbook - Sketching utility like Processing
- UnityFruitCutter - Create a Fruit Ninja Inspired Game
- TowerDefense - A Tower Defense style game example
- RedRunner - Red Runner, Awesome Platformer Game
- InfiniteRunner3D - Creating an infinite 3D runner game
- UnityChanBallRoll - Unity-chan's Ball a Roll demo project
- PokemonUnity - A framework to build Pokemon RPG games
- UnitySlippyMap - A slippy map implementation written in C#
- Pacman - A Pacman clone with original AI made using Unity / C#
- unity-design-patterns - Examples of programming design patterns
- Othello - Creating Othello in Unity complete with AI using negamax of variable depth
- Unity-Design-Pattern - All Gang of Four Design Patterns written in Unity C# with many examples
- Fruit-Ninja-Replica - This is the source code for a Fruit Ninja replica created during a Twitch Livestream
- Cut-the-Rope-Replica - This is the source code for a Cut the Rope replica created during a Twitch Livestream
- 3d-game-shaders-for-beginners - how to implement SSAO, depth of field, lighting, normal mapping, and more