- 18
Parse error using .obo URLs
#302 opened by kimrutherford - 1
Problem updating to OWLAPI 4.5.16
#298 opened by balhoff - 2
Server in test no longer available
#326 opened by balhoff - 13
- 0
- 2
Build of 2020-04-06 release source fail
#307 opened by jelmd - 8
- 16
Correct label and biological process issues for model annotation loader, possible other improvements
#253 opened by kltm - 1
- 5
Remove role GCIs from biochebi output
#287 opened by balhoff - 0
SecurityException running owltools
#300 opened by balhoff - 4
mvn build from source fails for OWLTools-Core
#290 opened by wdduncan - 0
Update obographs JSON dependency
#292 opened by balhoff - 8
- 2
Getting 500 error
#293 opened by callahantiff - 0
Add or confirm support for GAF 2.2 to owltools
#291 opened by kltm - 14
New Release
#288 opened by dougli1sqrd - 0
Feature request: Need simple IC score generation
#289 opened by matentzn - 0
- 9
Using make-species-subset command to extract plant specific terms from go-plus.owl
#283 opened by wkpalan - 2
Help required: Nullpointer in TableToAxiomConverter
#284 opened by matentzn - 7
- 0
owltools.script looks to have a typo in it
#280 opened by saramsey - 11
- 12
Error: owltools.cli.CommandLineInterface
#277 opened by pbuttigieg - 1
Current master build tests fail (commit a69a05a3002c444dc8625c704d936b52a23e47b6)
#270 opened by RichardBruskiewich - 0
Add relations to BioChebiGenerator
#271 opened by balhoff - 0
Duplicated entries after map2slim
#272 opened by KristinaGagalova - 0
- 0
map2slim memory requirements
#263 opened by emrobe - 0
Error in using OWLTools-Core maven dependency
#261 opened by marwa811 - 4
- 1
- 0
Error when convert
#255 opened by ypriverol - 6
getIdentifier should work with non-obolibrary PURLs (required for solr loading)
#245 opened by cmungall - 0
refactor identifiers to use CurieUtil
#252 opened by cmungall - 2
Fail to extract terms from IAO and ENVO
#248 opened by bjonnh - 3
Converting gaf/gpad to ttl(owl) format
#244 opened by cybersiddhu - 2
Extend solr loader to populate new closure fields
#243 opened by cmungall - 0
Add code to populate regulates-strict closure
#241 opened by cmungall - 6
- 5
Should TableRenderer include properties?
#229 opened by balhoff - 2
- 5
- 4
Command --solr-load-models unecessarily fails when there is no provided "lego" catalog
#232 opened by kltm - 0
new command: copy-axiom (rewrite source axioms in terms of target, check for incoherency)
#230 opened by cmungall - 2
Add prefix definition
#228 opened by stuppie - 0
testOutdatedIEAs is itself outdated
#226 opened by cmungall - 0
owltools should (usually) fail and die if any commands cannot complete (Solr loader)
#223 opened by kltm - 0
Compiling fails
#221 opened by eugenk