
List of references and online resources related to data science, machine learning and deep learning.

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Amazing Resources

List of references and online resources related to data science, machine learning and deep learning.

Recent Deep Learning Links (https://deep-learning-links.carrd.co/)

👍 Courses / Tutorials

👍 Cheat Sheets

👍 AWS / SageMaker

👍 Videos

👍 Books

👍 Papers

👍 Articles




NVIDIA Recommender Systems

Collaborative Filtering / Recommender Systems

Similarity Search / ANNS / Vector Indexing

Search / Code Search / Information Retrieval

Search Ranking

Lucene / Solr / Elasticsearch / BM25

General ML/DL Articles

Time Series

EDA / Data Visualization



Database / Storage

Reinforcement Learning

👍 Interesting and Fun

👍 GitHub Repositories

👍 Kaggle

👍 DeepNote

👍 Blogs

👍 Company Tech Blogs

👍 Maths

👍 Datasets

👍 Synthetic Data

👍 Utilities / Tools

👍 Job / Interview / DS Portfolio

👍 Salary Negotiation

👍 System Design

👍 Algorithms / Technical Coding

👍 Videos for Algorithms / Technical Coding / Interview Prep

👍 Bit Hacks

👍 Google foobar

🔦 PyTorch-Related

🔦 PyTorch-Related Discussions

⏩ fast.ai


Genomic Data Science

🤖 Transformer Architecture / Anatomy / Guide

🤖 Transformer / Attention / LLM Visualization

🤖 Transformer Maths

🤖 Transformer Libraries

🤖 Transformer Toolkit / Techniques / Methods


🤖 Lightning AI ⚡⚡⚡

🤖 LLM Leaderboard

🤖 LLM Evaluation

🤖 Transformer Models / Timeline

🤖 Transformer / LLM Inference / Deployment

🤖 Transformer / LLM Platform / Software

🤖 Transformer / LLM Data Curator

🤖 Transformer / LLM Dataset

🤖 Transformer / LLM Sample Applications

🤖 Q&A

Discussion on LLM Padding / Formatting Function

Merging weights with quantized model

Merge / Fusion / MoE

Prompt Engineering / Instructions


LLM - Misc


Transformer Alternatives