Primer3 is a command line tool to select primers for polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
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Understanding the dpal logic
#70 opened by karen-nativ - 1
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Abnormal primer positions
#71 opened by shiyi-pan - 1
- 1
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Issue when make test
#75 opened by nanu4github - 2
ntthal negative Tm calculations
#77 opened by cesimsek - 0
#74 opened by harazono - 2
A question about picking sequencing primers
#72 opened by yangjw1996 - 2
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Question: Is ARM64 architecture supported ?
#68 opened by julien-faye - 2
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Signal 11 segmentation fault in thal.c
#65 opened by InvisOn - 0
- 4
Final record not terminated by '='
#62 opened by Miduoduoduoduomi - 7
unable to open file /opt/primer3_config/stack.ds
#61 opened by Hytham79 - 3
Scoring pre-selected primers?
#59 opened by joshuak94 - 1
Segmentation fault
#60 opened by Princysaini - 4
critical memory error
#58 opened by jocelyne8 - 3
When is the next release of Primer3
#48 opened by nh13 - 3
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thal.c caused crash of build on ubuntu, "/0
#54 opened by sebogawa - 3
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The salt ion correction formula in file thal.c is inconsistent with that in file oligotm.c
#36 opened by Wy2160640 - 1
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Primer3 issue with the Sequence_ID
#51 opened by Kisekya - 3
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number of 'ok' primers is sometimes negative
#41 opened by wholtz - 1
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Multiplexing assays takes a lot of time
#45 opened by haseebz - 1
Stray text NOWWW in manual
#46 opened by peterjc - 1
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Question on calcHairpin dg discrepancy
#38 opened by sooheelee - 1
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poly_x calculation failures
#39 opened by wholtz - 1
Nested structure for primer results
#44 opened by peterjc - 1
Question re TEMPLATE_MISPRIMING parameters
#43 opened by genya - 2
primer-blast setting file ?
#21 opened by ptranvan - 1
How to connect primer 3 with emboss 6.6.0
#28 opened by aslangabriel - 2
How to exclude specific target regions?
#27 opened by billzt - 2
Link to manual in README
#26 opened by simone-pignotti - 1
problem installing on Win10
#25 opened by liucyuic - 2
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The oligotm tool has been outdated
#23 opened by billzt