Python library for control of microscope devices, supporting hardware triggers and distribution of devices over the network for performance and flexibility.
- albertogcurto
- andreabassi78Politecnico di Milano
- barentine@python-microscopy @bewersdorflab @4Pi-SMS-consortium
- beniroquaiIPHT Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology's
- bgriffen@dynomics
- biswajitSMTU Delft
- GenevieveBuckleyMonash University
- hinderlingInstitute of Cell Biology University of Bern
- inutsuka-yugo
- jacopoabramoLeibniz-IPHT
- john-wigg
- jonatanalvelidLeibniz IPHT
- julianirwinUW Madison
- juliomateoslangerakCNRS
- jullom
- kozo2Tokyo, Japan
- LauLauThom@Luxendo
- ltd0924
- mafsousa
- mariusweidmann
- mueller-physicsBiophotonics Group, Bielefeld University
- mxochicaleUniversity College London
- quantumhedgehogPalacky University Olomouc
- raacampbellSainsbury Wellcome Centre, UCL
- raghavchhetriRockefeller University
- raoufbarboza
- sagarhm
- tractatusUppsala
- UnreasonablyBadd
- VolkerH
- VroniPfannOxford University
- WeisongZhaoHarbin Institute of Technology
- wsarce
- zhaohh567Zhejiang University
- zhusihan-pythonshanghai