
Token setup

Closed this issue · 3 comments


Is there instructions for setting up the token to allow unlocking of the brakes. This also needs to be setup in a configurable manner.

Hi, I am working with the Panda in our lab and have been using this driver to handle the startup sequence. The startup script did not support the latest firmware so I have modified it to add that in and as part of that I had to figure out this process as well. I added a comment in the script here: https://github.com/qcr/armer_panda/pull/2/files#diff-830bc9184dd795c502cbfed3b19ce287905d19bcd682859fc28a5e029126a2f0R26

Thank you for your pull request @TJMolnar, I have now merged it in.

As indicated by your comment, the password variable is in fact the hashed version of the password sent in the POST request. I'm still torn on whether we should reverse engineer their hashing algorithm to simplify the use of this script, or leave it as is.

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