
Autonomous Indoor Drone with Simulation and Hardware-Setup using ROS and SLAM

Autonomous Indoor Drone

The goal of this project was to realize an autonomous flying indoor drone.



The simulation works (only in a fixed horizontal plane), tests on the real drone failed so far, due to problems with FCs, PID-settings and lack of time.


This project uses ROS and ROS-Flight for sensing and drone control, Gazebo for simulation, and ROS-navigation with ROS-hector-mapping for SLAM. The Web-UI is realized with a Simple Websocket Server in python.


The drone was built with a Naze32 (F1) / REVO (F4) as FC, a NanoPi Neo Air for onboard computation. A RPILIDAR A2 is used for horizontal and two HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors for vertical measurements.


  • AMS-CC: This repository contains scripts and configurations for the companion computer.
  • AMS-FC: This repository contains firmware and parameters used for the flight controller of the drone.
  • AMS-MAIN: This repository contains all code used for mapping, calculations and controls of the drone.
  • AMS-SENS: This repository contains all code used for sensor reading and actuator controlling.
  • AMS-SIMU: This repository contains all code used for simulation of the drone with gazebo.


The following repositories are necessary depending on what goal should be achieved:

  • Drone Simulation with gazebo: ams-main, ams-simu
  • Autonomous Flight with real drone: ams-cc, ams-fc, ams-sens, ams-main

Please follow the instructions of each repository in the given order when trying to rebuild one of the above scenarios.


Feel free to download the documentation and final presentation of this project.


This project was created by Team IMP in the course AMS (Special Aspects on Mobile Autonomous Systems) in the term 19/20 at TH Köln supervised by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Chunrong Yuan.


As long as you retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.

Related Projects

Have a look at the Project A Fully Autonomous Indoor Quadrotor from UNI Freiburg. It is a similar project with links and videos on this website and more detailed information in this paper.