
A robotic manipulator visualization and animation tool based on kinematics

Primary LanguagePython


A robotic manipulator visualization and animation tool based on kinematics


  • scipy pip install --upgrade scipy


  1. Clone the repository (or download accordingly) to src folder of ros workspace
  2. Go back to ros workspace then run catkin_make command
  3. Please run roscd kinematics_animation/scripts && chmod +x *.py to make python scripts exectuable

Run (baxter animation)

  1. Change the directory to ros workspace
  2. Make sure to source the setup.bash ros workspace. Alternativily, run the following command source devel/setup.bash
  3. Use roslaunch to invoke animation roslaunch kinematics_animation baxter.launch
    1. Alternativily, the csv file can be provided as command line argument roslaunch kinematics_animation baxter.launch file:=/home/ravi/Desktop/joint_states.csv

Add a new robot

  1. Create a launch file, similar to existing launch file located inside launch directory
  2. Change the file argument as per new robot
  3. Provide the urdf.xacro file of the new robot as robot_description parameter
  4. Provide the rviz file as per new robot under rviz package
  5. Create a new python script to read the input csv file. Make sure that the newly created python script must publish all the joint state

Issues (or Error Reporting)

Please check here and create issues accordingly.